Bombshell💥Covid-19 a CIA virus bomb on Wuhan, thousands of Covid-19 cases in Maryland last Oct
Grace Bride, 86,785 views•Apr 13, 2020


美国情报机构很早就向美国高层领导人通报了这种人为制造的大瘟疫。早在2019年9月,美国的首席传染病和疫苗专家安东尼·福奇(Anthony Fauci)就已经开始研制Covid-19疫苗。他们还组织了全球大流行模拟演习201,以便为即将到来的由大瘟疫引起的全球经济衰退做好准备。
Texas-based company has reportedly created a coronavirus vaccine
By Amanda WoodsFebruary 20, 2020 | 12:16pm |
Covid-19 Type B, was engineered against the Chinese race and planted in Wuhan by CIA to destroy China! This is evidenced by 3 facts:
Selected moments from the October 18th Event 201 Exercise (Length: ~12 minutes)
Event 201 Videos(201大瘟疫模拟演习视频)
Covid-19 B型是专门为了消灭中国人而针对中国的种族基专门设计的瘟疫毒株,并由CIA在武汉进一步种植和散播,以摧毁中国!这由三个事实证明:
1. 米卡·曾科(Micah Zenko)报告说,从去年9月开始,美国的100家,位于华盛顿特区的财富100强公司的高管已经为这种具有高度传染性的病毒做好了准备,并假设这种病毒会在中国的某个地方传播并迅速传播。
2. 在第一名Covid-19患者被送进武汉医院之前,中情局于2019年11月警告白宫尚不存在的武汉瘟疫大流行。
3. 多方面的科学研究证明Covid-19病毒是实验室设计出来的,其最初的毒株如果不经过突变变异,是只杀东亚血统的人,而不会在东亚以外的地区传播。
重磅💥美国在武汉植入新冠毒弹, CIA生武实验室所在州去年十月数千新冠CIA planted Covid-19 bomb in Wuhan, thousands Covid-19 last Oct
602 views•Apr 13, 2020
这篇文章的作者是米卡·曾科(Micah Zenko)。
On Oct 30, 2020, the Frederick News Post reported 3154 flu-like cases in Maryland, the home state of CIA's bio-weapon lab, in Fort Detrick.
The post says, not all of the 3,154 cases in Maryland were actually influenza. According to the Maryland Department of Health's weekly flu report, only 111 cases responded positive to rapid flu tests. Only 4 of the 32 cases sent to state labs tested positive.
These numbers have told us: only 0.44% of the flu-like cases were actually influenza. The rest of the flu-like cases must be Covid-9.
That is, by the end of October, Maryland already had 3140 symptomatic Covid 19 cases. Adding 50% asymptomatic cases (Diamond Princess’ asymptomatic rate is 52%), Maryland's total covid-19 cases should have amounted to 4,710 by the end of October 2019.
With the true flu rate of 0.44%, based on CDC's influenza numbers, U.S. now has 39.5 million Covid 19 cases, with 44,000 deaths!
Remember, the Covid-19 type that attacks China is different from the type that sickens the Americans. The Covid-19 type found in China is the second generation of Covid-19. It was genetically engineered to kill the Chinese people, therefore it does not spread outside East Asia without first mutating into derived B types. This second generation type spreads much faster with far worse illness.
The Covid-19 that sickens Americans is the oldest strain, the first generation of Covid-19. It spreads slower with milder illness. Covid-19 also has a incubation period that varies from one day to 94 days.
All these factors taken together explain why Covid-19 first broke out in China, then in Europe and America, as shown in this chart.
Dec 1, 2019, was the day when the first Covid-19 case in China was taken into hospital. On Dec 31, 2019, Dr Li Wen Liang reported 7 cases in Wuhan to his friends. On Jan 14, 2020, W.H.O. reported 41 cases in China.
However, CIA already reported to the White House the non-existant pandemic in China in November 2019, before the first Covid-19 case was taken into hospital!
Until Feb 29, 2020, FDA and CDC worked together to obstruct coronavirus testing. They banned coronavirus diagnostic tests by state and commercial labs to cover up CIA's virus leak. No testing means no coronavirus. No testing means no CIA virus leak.
As the Covid-19 cases skyrocketed in China, American politicians and media rallied to demonize the Chinese people, inciting worldwide anti-Chinese hate crimes.
As soon as symptomatic patients are being tested, America's number of Covid-19 cases skyrockets. As we calculated before, the real number of America's symptomatic Covid-19 cases is 39.5 million, not half a million as reported by the United States.
This pre-Wuhan event chain has exposed the real culprit behind this pandemic disaster on mankind. We now know for sure:
Covid-19 is a coronavirus escaped from CIA's bio-weapon lab in Fort Detrick. That's why the lab was closed indefinitely by CDC in July 2019.
The top leaders of the united states were well informed about this man-made pandemic. In September 2019, Antholy Fauci was already making Covid-19 vaccines. They also organized Event 201, a global pandemic simulation, to prepare themselves in the coming global economy recession caused by the pandemic.
Covid-19 Type B, was engineered against the Chinese race and planted in Wuhan by CIA to destroy China! This is evidenced by 3 facts:
First, Micah Zenko has reported, that last September, the executive of a fortune 100 company in Washington D.C. was already prepared for the highly contagious virus that would begin somewhere in China and spread rapidly.
Second, CIA warned the white house of the non-existant Wuhan pandemic in November 2019, before the first Covid-19 patient was taken into hospital in Wuhan.
Third, multipal scientific research has proved that Covid-19 was lab engineered, therefore cannot infect non-east-asians, without first mutating into derived B types.
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