

Monday, January 9, 2017

An urgent notice to Partners of King & Spalding law firm

Mr. Gerber, Ms. Green, and Partners of King & Spalding law firm,

As you know that I have to show up at the New York family Court this afternoon at 2PM to defend myself for the case submitted by your client Xiamin Zeng and represented by 3 or 4 top attorneys of the King & Spalding Law firm. Now I have to let you know that I might not show up at the court this afternoon due to reasons that I couldn’t control: Your client, Ms. Xiamin Zeng always false accused me and tries to make me arrested whenever she knew I must show up at certain places, such as Court or social workers offices. For more details, please check the following link:

Chinese Female Spy Dated with NYPD Police Officer and Trying to Kill Chinese Dissidents

Since December 23rd, 2016, Ms. Xiamin Zeng false accused me again. Xiamin Zeng reported to CPS and ACS that I punched my baby and made my baby hurt and vomited! Through the police officers Xiamin Zeng used to date with, Ximain Zeng also frequently lied to NYPD that I was an armed criminal and a dangerous fugitive! She requested Police Officers to make me arrested and shot whenever they found me!

I was requested/ordered to surrender myself to NYPD, to ACS, and to New York Sheriff department as soon as possible, otherwise these enforcement agents would come to my home to make me arrested or make me shot to death! A Deputy Sheriff named R. Garcia has come to my home several times. Now, I am quite lucky as I am still alive and I hadn’t been shot to death as Ximin Zeng requested! However, I could be shot to death anytime by NYPD police officers, especially by the police officers who dated with Xiamin Zeng!

I am not sure whether you 3 attorneys ever helped me to make such kind false accusation. But I do know that you clearly know your client, Xiamin Zeng, is a liar and has made me arrested several by cheating or lying to the police officers or to Judges.

Your client, Ms. Xiamin Zeng, who used claimed herself as a top Chinese Female spy, threatened me to kill me and will make me die in Jails of the United States. Xiamin Zeng, after under oath, repeated lied and cheated the New York family court. Here are the major lies Xiamin Zeng told the Support Magistrates:

1. I had at least million dollars annual hidden income, she claimed I was a serious Tax evaders and thus should be arrested and sentenced.
2. I hired many bodyguards.
3. I own several businesses, including Quadratic, BigBoss, etc., thus I made a lot of money.

Obviously, all these claims are based lies and even a child could easily figure out that what Xiamin Zeng told to the court are nothing true or fact except lies! The Support Magistrate Mr. Bo-----sky easily figured out Xiamin Zeng was a liar and immediately gave his conclusions:

1. Xiamin Zeng didn’t provided any solid evidences to support her claims, Million Dollars hidden income is completely made up numbers.
2. Xiamin Zeng subpoenaed several US banks, but had never provide any copies to the bank account owner, which is clearly illegal.
3. All the bank statements that Xiamin Zeng provided to the court are 5 years old bank statements, and thus are not relevant to this case.

The supported magistrate almost gave the final decision to this simple case. However, Mr. Gerber and Ms. Green, as two top attorneys from top Law firms in New York, were cheated and foolished by Chinese spy with such kind childish lies! They requested the court to give them 3 more months to allow them to subpoena more American Banks, firms, government agencies, so that they can provide more evidences to prove whatever Xiamin Zeng lied to the court.

Now, after 3 months hard works, after subpoenaed many banks again and again, I am just wondering if Mr. Gerber and Ms. Green found anything different? Did you find where is my million dollars income? Where is my business? Who is my bodyguard? How much did I paid to my bodyguard?

Mr. Gerber and Ms. Green, you are completely cheated by Chinese spies! And you are helping the Chinese spy Agency to persecute and false accuse a descent Chinese dissident, or you are willingly provide free legal services to Chinese spy agencies!

I am happy your boss, Mr. Paul Straus joined or monitored all the reports created by Mr. Gerber and Ms. Green. I noticed that Mr. Paul Straus is smart enough and wouldn’t be cheated by Chinese female spies with such kind childish lies! Hopefully, Mr. Paul Straus would correct all the lies or false accusation created by Mr. Gerber and Ms. Green. Further, I hope Mr. Straus would eventually fire those attorneys who are easily cheated by Chinese spies and tried to help Chinese spies to persecuted Chinese dissidents!

I also noticed that Mr. Joe Zales, as a junior Attorney, is also smart enough to figure out who is a liar. Thanks to Mr. Zales. He is at least smiling at me and friendly to me.

In the legal documents that Mr. Gerber and Ms. Green prepared for this case, Mr. Gerber and Ms. Green repeated requested the Family court to give default trial in favor of their client, Xiamin Zeng.

Now, Xiamin Zeng tried to make me arrested again and tried to make me absent for today’s case! Now Mr. Gerber and Ms. Green could eventually reach your optimal objective by making this case default trialed! Ok, Mr. Gerber and Ms. Green, you win! You helped the Chinese communist spies to defeat me and to put me in Jail this time. I surrender myself to you this time.

However, please be prepared to be defendant for yourselves: you helped the Chinese spy agencies not only put me in jail, but also put my relatives and friends in dangerous situation, some of them could be arrested or even murdered by the Chinese communist government.

I have alert to all Americans: There are a lot of Chinese communist female spies hiding in the United States. They ready to start the so called “Unconstrained War” against the United States. They are well trained to set up any Man in the world. Today, they can set me up or made me die in Jail. Tomorrow, they can apply the same strategies and same skills to any other American citizens, including the President of the United States, Senators, Mayors, Congressman, and any other men that are targeted by the Chinese communist, and make them defamed and make the United States weakened.

Mr. Gerber, today you helped Chinese female spies to make me destroyed. Please be prepared that you might be destroyed by another Chinese female spy through the same strategies soon or later!

Gang Liu

January 9th, 2017

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