让我们拭目以待,静观 傅希秋-陈光诚-刘天龙这个共特团伙何时落网。
1. 傅希秋,2. 科恩
4. 袁伟静
5. 胡佳
6. 曾金燕

7. 温云超
紐大被指要求陳光誠離開- 港聞- 新聞頻道- 新浪網
Jun 14, 2013 - 溫雲超稱,早前曾與陳光誠吃飯,陳當時提到要寫自傳,他當時理解陳光誠打算在紐大期間完成寫作,所以離校肯定不是既有的安排。 溫雲超指出,紐 ...
How the Times Mischaracterized Me and Chen Guangcheng
By Bob Fu
July 12, 2013 4:36 PM
Chen Guangcheng, along with Mr. Lawrence T. Liu, and Mr. Bob Fu, are all Chinese spies who were sent by the Chinese government to the United States to do lobby for the Chinese government. Their major tasks are:
1. To manipulate the partisanship in the United States. Let the two parties to fight for Trivialities and pay less attention to other Chinese related sensitive issues, such as Human rights issues.
2. By involving partisanship, Chinese government could create chances to bribe or help some of the lawmakers, and to control some of the Chinese related offices. For example, the Congressional Executive Committee on China (CECC) has been controlled by Mr. Lawrence T. Liu.
3. Influence/control the Congress and the White House to make decisions or issue laws to favor the Chinese Communist government.
4. Manipulate the presidential elections and the Parliamentary elections.
Mr. Lawrence T. Liu worked with Mr. Bob Fu closely to arranged many Chinese to do testimony at the Congress hearings. Mr. Lawrence T. Liu has worked as the Staff Director of the Congressional Executive Committee on China (CECC) for several years. Mr. Lawrence T. Liu has been assistants to some of the Senators and Representatives.
please check the following link:
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