

Wednesday, July 31, 2024






Ronny I. Jackson是被吊销执照的前医生,可他居然几次发出所谓的医生报告,证明川普的耳朵是被子弹打伤了两厘米的伤口。







1. 医生报告。
2. 弹道分析。
3. 哪颗子弹打中川普。
4. 川普的耳朵上是否有子弹留下的痕迹
5. 找到Crooks发射的8颗子弹,看看哪颗子弹有川普的DNA。实际上只要找到Crooks发射的前三发子弹,因为Crooks发射后5发子弹时,川普早已经趴到地上了。

























Sunday, July 28, 2024



蔡子博士Chris @caiziboshi 































1. 象蔡子博士这种通过考托福GRE进入美国高校读博,再滞留不归,赖在美国了。这些人就认定那些比他还有才有学历的人才有资格来美国,而那些没上过大学的人就不配来美国。

2. 法轮功、民运组织、郭文贵团伙成员,等等在美国申请政治庇护的中国人,上街喊几句反共口号,就能申请政治庇护的人。这帮人认定他们曾经在中国坐过牢,在美国上街游行出过力,他们才有资格获得美国政治庇护,认定他们的美国身份是由他们的血汗换来的。他们坚持认为那些没有同等等经历的人都不配获得美国合法移民身份。

3. 偷渡来美的人。以前的偷渡费用要几十万人民币才冒着生命危险偷渡进入美国。他们获得合法身份后,也坚决支持川普去抓捕现今走线翻墙进入美国的“无证移民”。其主要心态就是他们花几十万人民币才进入美国的,而走线偷渡客居然只花几万人民币就能获得美国身份,那不是让他们的绿卡大大跌价吗?










Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Trump's Shooting Is Staged!

The following analysis is based on the following video posted by ABC news:

Most of the images quoted below are screenshots taken from the two-minute video above, and the pictures show the time point of the video.

【1】No audience in the direction from Trump to the Killer!
【2】Trump spoke for several minutes in the direction of the killer before the first shot
【3】Trump immediately touched his right ear right after the first gunshot
【4】The time between Trump lifts his hand to the time to reach his right ear is less than 1 second 
【5】Trump's hand has no blood right after he touches his right ear!
【6】Trump squatted immediately after touching his ear
【7】Trump lay on the ground for a whole minute to makeup himself
【8】A minute after the gunshot, Trump was set up by bodyguards and exposed his upper body to the killer
【9】When Trump stood up from under the table, he had blood on his hands and face
【10】Trump was surrounded by bodyguards and walked to the bulletproof car, shouting slogans and acting heroically
【11】From the gunfire to Trump being stuffed into a bulletproof car by bodyguards, the bodyguards are not protecting Trump, but cooperating with the acting

【1】No audience in the direction from Trump to the Killer!

The two pictures above show the layout of the venue, with audiences all around, except that there are no listeners in the direction of Trump's connection with the killer Crooks, but a row of flags and a crane. This leaves the gunner with an incredible layout that doesn't get any obstacles and doesn't obscure the view. This layout of the venue is so that the killer can shoot in the direction of Trump smoothly!

【2】Trump spoke for several minutes in the direction of the killer before the first shot

As shown in the picture above, from 0:00-0:08, before Crook was shot, Trump gave a speech in the direction of Crooks for a few minutes, and there was no audience between Trump and Crooks at all, only a row of flags and cranes! Later, Trump claimed that he was looking at the prompter screen, but Trump's posture was not looking at the prompter screen at all.

This is most likely because Trump knew where Crooks was hiding and knew that Crooks was going to shoot.

【3】Trump immediately touched his right ear right after the first gunshot

0:08:  At this time, when Trump heard the gunshot, he immediately raised his hand to touch his ear. When Trump touched his ears, no one else around Trump subconsciously reacted to the gunshot.

If Trump is really shot in the ear, it usually takes at least a minute to find out exactly where he was shot, and Trump immediately touched his ear, which can only show that Trump knew in advance that there was going to be a gunshot, and the gunshot was a signal to touch his ear.

【4】The time between Trump lifts his hand to the time to reach his right ear is less than 1 second 

0:09:  The time when Trump's right hand reaches his right ear.

【5】Trump's hand has no blood right after he touches his right ear!

0:09:Two screenshots after Trump touched his ears, Trump clearly saw that there was no blood on his hands!

【6】Trump squatted immediately after touching his ear

0:10:Less than a second after Trump touched his ear, he immediately began to crouch down and hide under the podium. Note that no one around Trump reacted to the gunshots. Trump clearly saw that there was no blood on his hands, and under normal circumstances, Trump should have groped other parts of his body to find where the injuries were bloody.

Therefore, Trump's squatting action is clearly a script prescribed action prepared in advance.

【7】Trump lay on the ground for a whole minute to makeup himself

0:11-1:11:Trump has been lying under the table, but during this period, Trump's small movements continued, and his bodyguards just surrounded him and let Trump make small movements.

【8】A minute after the gunshot, Trump was set up by bodyguards and exposed his upper body to the killer

1:11-1:41:Trump was set up by several bodyguards at 1:11, note that Trump did not stand up on his own. During this time, Trump's upper body and head were exposed under the killer's gun. Trump shouted slogans and performed Nazi salutes like a martyr on the execution ground.

Why didn't the Secret Service gather around the protected object, but instead set Trump up and expose his upper body to the killer, in order to stage a wedding on the execution ground and a farce of heroic justice?

【9】When Trump stood up from under the table, he had blood on his hands and face

1:36: Trump has no blood on his hands before he falls to the ground at 0:09, but at 1:36 a minute later, blood appears on his hands. This suggests that the blood on Trump's hand occurred during the minute between 0:09 and 1:10 lying on the ground. Trump's ear was only slightly injured, so it didn't bleed so much in a minute. This can only be Trump quickly smearing a large amount of plasma on his ears and face with his hands while lying on the ground.

The image above is taken from an additional video

【10】Trump was surrounded by bodyguards and walked to the bulletproof car, shouting slogans and acting heroically

1:42-2:09:Trump was helped from the podium to the bulletproof vehicle by several bodyguards from the Secret Service. During this time, Trump was still performing Nazi salutes, waving his fists and shouting slogans, and most of the time exposing his head in the direction of the killer.

【11】From the gunfire to Trump being stuffed into a bulletproof car by bodyguards, the bodyguards are not protecting Trump, but cooperating with the acting

2:06:Trump was finally stuffed into a bulletproof car by several bodyguards of the Secret Service, ending the two-minute farce of murder and robbery on the execution ground. Trump's bodyguards are not protecting Trump, but setting up Trump for a photoshoot and letting Trump perform a farce of righteousness on the execution ground! I can't wait to throw Trump into the air to celebrate the perfect performance of this farce.

Each of the above 11 suspicions shows that Trump knew in advance that this murder drama was going to be staged at this time and place, and he had already prepared a two-minute script, and even rehearsed Rehearsal repeatedly, practicing his lines and actions well.

Otherwise, it would never have been possible to have this series of dramatic actions in two minutes:

The audience layout of the venue was such that there was no audience between Trump and the killer
Trump has been speaking to the killer
Trump quickly touched his ears
Trump quickly collapsed under the table
Trump's ear was bleeding
Trump was framed to act as a hero
Trump shouted the slogan that only heroes shout for righteousness

The above 11 doubts are all incredible and cannot be justified. However, if we assume that Trump himself planned this fake murder, then all the suspicions are solved!

[1] The venue was deliberately arranged as a large space between Trump and the killer

[2] Trump's speech in the direction of the gunman can create the illusion that he has been shot in the ear, but his life is not in danger.

[3] Trump touched his ears not because he was shot in the ear, but because it was agreed in advance that the gunshot was a signal flare that touched his ear!

[4] Trump lying under the table is a magician who changes his makeup and bleeds from his ears!

In just this two-minute video, you can find 11 doubts that cannot be justified. Trump's murder farce was staged in full view, and there are countless live videos and recordings, and Trump's farce will definitely be exposed. At that time, the unjust soul who was killed, and two more spectators who were shot, would definitely ask Trump to repay the blood debt.

July 19, 2024



Some have questioned my analysis on the grounds that Trump would not risk his head. This kind of person doesn't see my analysis and speculation. What I'm saying here is that Trump is just acting, just like in the movies, and there is no danger. Below, we analyze the ballistics to prove that Trump does not have any risk at all.

Based on the above two pictures of the scene, it can be judged that the person who was shot in the red circle is a person wearing a white dress and a red hat, and the person in the yellow circle is a person in black who has been shot. The two shots and Trump form an isosceles triangle with a base edge of 8 meters and a height of 40 meters.

The police of all countries have the following principles when arresting prisoners:
The first shot fired a warning shot into the sky
The second shot hit the leg
The third shot hit the head

A similar pact was observed between the killers Crooks and Trump:

The first shot fired a flare at the sky
The second shot killed another person (the man in white and red hat who was shot)
The third shot was aimed directly above Trump, who was already lying down, and killed someone behind Trump (the man in black who was shot)

Following this ballistic, most likely:
The first shot Crooks fired was not fired by anyone, but only signaled Trump to touch his ears.
When Trump heard the gunshot, he immediately touched his ears and then lay on the ground.

After Trump lay down, Crooks fired a second shot at the prompter display on Trump's desk, only to hit the black-clad man in the corner of the stands.

A third shot was fired at the white-clad red-hatted man in the stands.

Trump's Murder Is Staged

This article is based on a thread of twits posted on 12:37 AM · Jul 14, 2024.

The data sources are mainly from the following Video posted by ABC news.

【1】Trump's face had continued to face sideways in the direction of the gunman for several minutes before the first gunshot, while the audience was in front and behind.

【2】 As soon as the gunshots rang out, Trump immediately covered his right ear with his right hand.

Note that at the same time, no one around Trump reacted to the gunfire. Trump's action of covering his ears appears to be due to a shot in the ear. But no one who is shot will be able to cover the wounds of the gun so quickly, and will not be able to find out where they have been shot so quickly.

【3】 After Trump's hand covered his right ear, there was no blood on his palm.

【4】Trump had blood on his right hand right after stood up.

【5】If Trump's ear had been hit by a bullet, it would not have been a piercing, nor would it have been scratched and bleeding.

【6】 It can be easily verified that whether Trump's was hit by a bullet.

If the ear is not injured by a bullet, the it is very suspicious and weird that Trump speeches towards the gunman, and immediately covers up his ear when he hears the gunshot.

【7】The Killer Crooks

This killer is supposed to be a bought gunman. He should have been admitted to a psychiatric hospital in recent times. The gunner needs to step on the point beforehand, and this step task should be done by someone else. It is impossible for a mentally ill person to plan such a well-thought-out assassination.

If it is a fake, it should be planned by the spy agency of a foreign country. It's not a job that can be done by one person. An assassination by a mentally ill person will not be so complicated.

【8】 Trump sent a message before the rally, declaring that a major event would happen in an hour

Gang Liu
July 17, 2024

Friday, July 19, 2024

NYT Reporter Doug Mills's Flying Bullet on Trump is a Fake Photo

On July 13, 2024, at around 6 p.m. EST, the assassination attempt on Trump occurred. Soon after, a photo of Trump being shot and a bullet flying was widely circulated on the Internet. A search online revealed that the photo was taken by New York Times photojournalist Doug Mills.

This photo is purely fake, and the New York Times actually used this fake photo to deceive the world and deceive the world. These are several major insults to our intelligence.

Figure 1. New York Times photojournalist Doug Mills took a photo of Trump's bullet trajectory when he was shot, see the link below and a screenshot:

Time units in the above video:
0.01 is 1 second
0.60 = 1.00 is 1 minute

A two-minute video of Trump before and after the shot on ABC

From this video, we have screenshots of the five images below.

Figure 2.  A screenshot of Trump's hand starts to go to touch his ear at 0:08.

Figure 3. A screenshot of Trump's hand goes to touch his ear at 0:09.

Figure 4. This is another screenshot at 0:09 when Trump's hand goes to touch his ear.

Figure 5. This is a screenshot at 0:09 when Trump's hand is just off his ear.

Figure 3. This is another screenshot at 0:09 when Trump's hand is just off his ear.

In the ABC's two-minute video, Trump only appears in less than a second from 0:08 to 0:09 with his right hand in the direction of his right face.

Then, Figure 1 of Doug Mills' photo of Trump's bullet trajectory when he was shot can only be at a point in time before 0:09 in Figure 5.

The moment Trump starts touching his ears is 0:08.

And the time of the first shot was also at 0:08.

Let's assume that Trump heard the gunshots at 0:08. The time that Trump elapsed from the moment he touched his ear in Figure 2 to the 0:09 moment given in Figure 3 was at least 1 seconds. To keep a very conservative estimate, lets assume it is 0.2 seconds. A bullet normally travels at a speed 500m/s. Then the bullet flew at least 100 meters away from Trump during the time Trump heard the first shot. When Doug Mills took a picture of Trump touching his ear, the bullet had flown at least 100 meters. It is impossible for Doug Mills to photograph Trump touching his ears after hearing the gunshot, and the bullet is 100 meters away from Trump.

If the trajectory of the bullet is true, Doug Mills' photo of Trump would have been two seconds before the first gunshot. Another possibility is that the trajectory of the bullet was drawn by hand.

If Trump's right hand is pressed on the table in this photo, the photo could have some credibility. That at least shows that when Trump starts to touch his ears, the bullet will need to fly 100 meters before it reaches Trump. But it will suggests that Trump started touching his ears before Crooks fired the first shot.

Some people argue that: It might be a bullet from the second shot.
No, it can't be the trajectory of the second shot. 

The image above shows Trump's movements as he fired three gunshots, as well as photos of bullets flying from NYT reporters.

After the second gunshot, Trump kept looking at the palm of his hand, which was inconsistent with the photo of the bullet flying.

Only Trump's maneuver at the time of the first gunshot is similar to the bullet flying photo. But by this time, Trump had clearly begun to tilt. The bullet flying photo was clearly taken from a low position to a high position. It should have been a Trump photo taken at this moment.

The above picture shows that the yellow rectangular area in the lower right corner of the Trump bullet photo taken by Doug Mills should at least have spectators, trees, and wires hanging in the air. However, the background of the Trump bullet photo is all blue. The background of the Trump bullet photo must have been manually processed and edited. Therefore, the bullet trajectory is naturally drawn on the edited blue background.

Does anyone think that the blue background of this photo was edited? Trump's top should be blue sky. But this photo edited the background behind to blue. Then a white line was drawn on the blue background, claiming it was the bullet trail. Why did the NYT edit this photo? Why don't they dare to show the original photo that was not edited? If it was edited, why is there still a white bullet trail?

Please let the New York Times release the original photo of Trump's bullet flying photo taken by Doug Mills as soon as possible before it was edited.

The conclusion is: Doug Mills' photo of the trajectory of Trump's bullet when he was shot is fake!

Doug Mills and the New York Times are strongly urged to publish this fake photo to apologize to the world.

Gang Liu 
July 19, 2024