

Thursday, October 17, 2024















梁政LiangZheng @1iang2heng · Sep 30

刘刚: 你再听听,是不是被误导了?







黑人川粉 @BehizyTweets 发推为波兰总统杜达支持川普而欢呼叫好。

@BehizyTweets 的英文,用谷歌翻译为:












1. 你为何去宾州鼓动波兰选民投票? 


2. 问:川普原本计划同你一道参与这个鼓动选民活动,但川普临时取消了,为什么?


3. 问:川普此前发推高度赞美你,说你是他最伟大的朋友,那么,Are you endorsing Trump?
杜达:Trump's presidency was very good for Poland... President Trump understands the strategic importance of our country. He understands the situation of Central/Eastern European countries.

I discussed with Trump about that in many occasions. We understand each other perfectly on this one. And then Poland received the agreement from the US authorities to purchase F-35. ... That is fundamental importance to us today.

So looking from this perspective, I can say that was a very good period for Poland during the Presidency of Trump. We agreed on many things. We had perfect cooperation with Mr. Trump.

And I can say, YES, President Trump, although he is the age of my father, is my friend because we had a perfect cooperation when he served as president of the United States.




就看看杜达回应是否Endorse Trump的那段话,杜达明明确确地回答了“YES”。可居然就有一大群自称英文好的人就是一口咬定杜达没有说他Endorse Trump。也不知道这些人是眼睛有问题还是脑子有问题。

再这些人的眼睛里,Duda说YES,那不是Endorse Trump,他们要听到Duda亲口说出“Endorse Trump”才算是支持川普。





FBI Officers:

I am writing to you to report some Chinese spies are trying to interferer US 2024 elections by inspiring/organizing/inciting some voters who are residents in Blue States to register votes in swing states and vote for Trump, so that they can help Trump to win in these swing states.

I have posted several articles to expose Chen Guangcheng and Zheng Cunzhu as the Chinese Communist spies sent by the CCP to the United States. Recently, FBI arrested Chinese spies Wang Shujun and Tang Yuanjun. Mr. Zheng Cunzhu used to work with these Chinese spies closely, especially, Mr. Tang Yuanjun used to be an assistant to Mr. Zheng Cunzhu who works as Chairman of China Democratic Party Joint Headquarters. 

Check the following links:





Recently, Mr. Zheng Cunzhu and Mr. Chen Guangcheng work together to inspire/organize/incite some voters who are residents in Blue States to register votes in swing states and vote for Trump. 




1. 收到多个选票,能算是邮寄选票的漏洞么?郑存柱分别收到加州和亚利桑那州的选票。这就如同郑存柱买了一张从加州飞往北京的机票,郑存柱可以要求航空公司将机票寄往在加州的住址和亚利桑那州的住址,郑存柱拿到两张机票,并不意味着郑存柱就可以乘坐两次飞机!



2. 郑存柱本人一直住在加州,但郑却是特意到亚利桑那州申请了驾照,然后分别再加州和亚利桑那州进行选民登记。邮寄选票系统当然会给郑存柱寄去两个州的邮寄选票。这个混乱是郑存柱造成的,郑存柱本人有必要纠正这种混乱。郑存柱却将他自己造成的混乱归咎于邮寄选票登记系统。这就属于恶意制造混乱了!

3. 郑存柱一直是加州居民,却是选择再加州和亚利桑那州同时投票,这当然是属于一种有计划的干预美国大选的阴谋行为。郑存柱当然是要投票给川普。加州是无法颠覆的蓝州,郑存柱再加州投票给川普,相当于是一张废票。但去摇摆州亚利桑那州投票给川普,则很可能帮助川普赢得亚利桑那州的11张选举人票。



4. 郑存柱从深蓝州加州前往摇摆州亚利桑那州投票给川普,不小心地泄露了中共情报系统图谋收买美国选民前往摇摆州投票的阴谋布局,郑存柱分明就是充当中共干涉美国大选的马前卒,可郑存柱居然就是贼喊捉贼,倒打一耙,却反咬是民主党和哈里斯利用选举漏洞来窃取2024年美国大选。还有比郑存柱更流氓的么?




郑存柱 @cunzhuzheng
Translated from Chinese by
I just returned to California and received a mail-in ballot. I have moved to Arizona and registered to vote in Arizona. But California still mailed me a ballot. I applied for a driver's license in another state, and the DMV immediately found that there was an unprocessed ticket on the original driver's license and refused to issue a new one. There is no appropriate mechanism to cancel voter registration? If voters are registered in every state, wouldn't there be more than 50 ballots? If this loophole is exploited in an organized manner, won't there be election fraud?

1:29 PM · Oct 16, 2024· 353.7K Views

郑存柱 @cunzhuzheng

Normal people certainly won't vote twice. But you can indeed receive two votes. I mean if this loophole is used in an organized way, it will cause election fraud. I used to not believe in so-called election fraud, but today, facing the California ballot, I am a little skeptical.
1:42 PM · Oct 16, 2024 · 23.1K Views

Report to FBI: CCP’s Conspiracy to Interfere 2024 U.S. Election

FBI Officers:

I am writing to you to report some Chinese spies are trying to interferer US 2024 election by inspiring/organizing/inciting some voters who are residents in Blue States to register votes in swing states and vote for Trump, so that they can help Trump to win in these swing states.

I have posted several articles to expose Chen Guangcheng and Zheng Cunzhu as the Chinese Communist spies sent by the CCP to the United States. Recently, FBI arrested Chinese spies Wang Shujun and Tang Yuanjun. Mr. Zheng Cunzhu used to work with these Chinese spies closely, especially, Mr. Tang Yuanjun used to be an assistant to Mr. Zheng Cunzhu who works as Chairman of China Democratic Party Joint Headquarters. See links in the References. 

Recently, Mr. Zheng Cunzhu and Mr. Chen Guangcheng work together to inspire/organize/incite some voters who are residents in Blue States to register votes in swing states and vote for Trump. 

On October 16, 2024, Mr. Zheng Cunzhu (@cunzhuzheng) posted the following twit on X.com:

Mr.  Chen Guangcheng (@iguangcheng) and Mr. Zhang Boli ( @zhangboli198964 ) immediately repost/spread Mr. Zheng Cunzhu's twit as shown in the following snapshot:

Just within 24 hours, Mr. Zheng Cunzhu's twit has been viewed by 353.7K people. 

In his twit, Mr. Zheng Cunzhu claimed that: 

I just returned to California and received a mail-in ballot. I have moved to Arizona and registered to vote in Arizona. But California still mailed me a ballot. I applied for a driver's license in another state, and the DMV immediately found that there was an unprocessed ticket on the original driver's license and refused to issue a new one. There is no appropriate mechanism to cancel voter registration? If voters are registered in every state, wouldn't there be more than 50 ballots? If this loophole is exploited in an organized manner, won't there be election fraud?

Mr. Zheng Cunzhu has been resident in CA since he came to the USA. However, he registered to vote in Arisona, which is a SWING state. Mr. Zheng Cunzhu was inspiring/induce other people to follow his example to register votes in SWING states by applying a driver license in a SWING state. I strongly believe that Mr. Zheng Cunzhu and Mr. Chen Guangcheng have inspired/induced many other voters who are residents in deep blue states to register votes in some SWING states, so that they can vote for Trump together to hep Trump to win these SWING states and eventually to win the 2024 USA election. 

Based on the data of 2020 US election, Biden got 1,672,143 and Trump got 1,661,686 popular votes in Arizona, the difference is about 10,457 votes. So, roughly speaking, if Mr. Zheng Cunzhu and Mr. Chen Guangcheng could inspire/bribe/persuade 10000 people who lives in deep blue states to register votes in a SWING state, they can easily to help Trump to win that SWING state. 

Mr. Zheng Cunzhu and Mr. Chen Guangcheng happened leaked their conspiracy to interfere the 2024 US Election. I strongly believe that this conspiracy might be linked to the CCP due to the close relationship of Mr. Zheng Cunzhu and Mr. Chen Guangcheng to CCP. I wish FBI could investigate Mr. Zheng Cunzhu, Mr. Chen Guangcheng, and Mr. Zhang Boli, for their conspiracy activities to interfere 2024 US election, and their relations to CCP, to make sure the US election are not interfered by CCP and any other foreign government agencies.


Gang Liu
October 17, 2024 





Below are Zheng Cunzhu’s relevant tweets and the English translation given by Google.

郑存柱 @cunzhuzheng
Translated from Chinese by
I just returned to California and received a mail-in ballot. I have moved to Arizona and registered to vote in Arizona. But California still mailed me a ballot. I applied for a driver's license in another state, and the DMV immediately found that there was an unprocessed ticket on the original driver's license and refused to issue a new one. There is no appropriate mechanism to cancel voter registration? If voters are registered in every state, wouldn't there be more than 50 ballots? If this loophole is exploited in an organized manner, won't there be election fraud?

1:29 PM · Oct 16, 2024· 353.7K Views

郑存柱 @cunzhuzheng

Normal people certainly won't vote twice. But you can indeed receive two votes. I mean if this loophole is used in an organized way, it will cause election fraud. I used to not believe in so-called election fraud, but today, facing the California ballot, I am a little skeptical.
1:42 PM · Oct 16, 2024 · 23.1K Views

Report to FBI: CCP’s Conspiracy to Interfere 2024 U.S. Election

FBI Officers:

I am writing to you to report some Chinese spies are trying to interferer US 2024 election by inspiring/organizing/inciting some voters who are residents in Blue States to register votes in swing states and vote for Trump, so that they can help Trump to win in these swing states.

I have posted several articles to expose Chen Guangcheng and Zheng Cunzhu as the Chinese Communist spies sent by the CCP to the United States. Recently, FBI arrested Chinese spies Wang Shujun and Tang Yuanjun. Mr. Zheng Cunzhu used to work with these Chinese spies closely, especially, Mr. Tang Yuanjun used to be an assistant to Mr. Zheng Cunzhu who works as Chairman of China Democratic Party Joint Headquarters. See links in the References. 

Recently, Mr. Zheng Cunzhu and Mr. Chen Guangcheng work together to inspire/organize/incite some voters who are residents in Blue States to register votes in swing states and vote for Trump. 

On October 16, 2024, Mr. Zheng Cunzhu (@cunzhuzheng) posted the following twit on X.com:

Mr.  Chen Guangcheng (@iguangcheng) and Mr. Zhang Boli ( @zhangboli198964 ) immediately repost/spread Mr. Zheng Cunzhu's twit as shown in the following snapshot:

Just within 24 hours, Mr. Zheng Cunzhu's twit has been viewed by 353.7K people. 

In his twit, Mr. Zheng Cunzhu claimed that: 

I just returned to California and received a mail-in ballot. I have moved to Arizona and registered to vote in Arizona. But California still mailed me a ballot. I applied for a driver's license in another state, and the DMV immediately found that there was an unprocessed ticket on the original driver's license and refused to issue a new one. There is no appropriate mechanism to cancel voter registration? If voters are registered in every state, wouldn't there be more than 50 ballots? If this loophole is exploited in an organized manner, won't there be election fraud?

Mr. Zheng Cunzhu has been resident in CA since he came to the USA. However, he registered to vote in Arisona, which is a SWING state. Mr. Zheng Cunzhu was inspiring/induce other people to follow his example to register votes in SWING states by applying a driver license in a SWING state. I strongly believe that Mr. Zheng Cunzhu and Mr. Chen Guangcheng have inspired/induced many other voters who are residents in deep blue states to register votes in some SWING states, so that they can vote for Trump together to hep Trump to win these SWING states and eventually to win the 2024 USA election. 

Based on the data of 2020 US election, Biden got 1,672,143 and Trump got 1,661,686 popular votes in Arizona, the difference is about 10,457 votes. So, roughly speaking, if Mr. Zheng Cunzhu and Mr. Chen Guangcheng could inspire/bribe/persuade 10000 people who lives in deep blue states to register votes in a SWING state, they can easily to help Trump to win that SWING state. 

Mr. Zheng Cunzhu and Mr. Chen Guangcheng happened leaked their conspiracy to interfere the 2024 US Election. I strongly believe that this conspiracy might be linked to the CCP due to the close relationship of Mr. Zheng Cunzhu and Mr. Chen Guangcheng to CCP. I wish FBI could investigate Mr. Zheng Cunzhu, Mr. Chen Guangcheng, and Mr. Zhang Boli, for their conspiracy activities to interfere 2024 US election, and their relations to CCP, to make sure the US election are not interfered by CCP and any other foreign government agencies.


Gang Liu
October 17, 2024 





Below are Zheng Cunzhu’s relevant tweets and the English translation given by Google.

郑存柱 @cunzhuzheng
Translated from Chinese by
I just returned to California and received a mail-in ballot. I have moved to Arizona and registered to vote in Arizona. But California still mailed me a ballot. I applied for a driver's license in another state, and the DMV immediately found that there was an unprocessed ticket on the original driver's license and refused to issue a new one. There is no appropriate mechanism to cancel voter registration? If voters are registered in every state, wouldn't there be more than 50 ballots? If this loophole is exploited in an organized manner, won't there be election fraud?

1:29 PM · Oct 16, 2024· 353.7K Views

郑存柱 @cunzhuzheng

Normal people certainly won't vote twice. But you can indeed receive two votes. I mean if this loophole is used in an organized way, it will cause election fraud. I used to not believe in so-called election fraud, but today, facing the California ballot, I am a little skeptical.
1:42 PM · Oct 16, 2024 · 23.1K Views