Saturday, February 2, 2013

Judge Thomas Miller Helps CCP to persecute Chinese Dissident!

The Web address of this article:


This is a complaint file against Judge Thomas Miller.

The file has been sent to Governor of New Jersey, and to:

John A. Tonelli  
Executive Director  
Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct
P.O. Box 037
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0037

On July 28th, 2009, Mr. Michael H. Posner. Nominee for Assistant Secretary of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, made the following statement before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

"My grandmother, Bella Hoffman, a Hungarian Jew, lost much of her family in the Holocaust. Many members of my father's family living in Poland also were victims of Nazi brutality."

Please check the following link for Mr. Posner's statement:

We may not know how the Evil Nazi or KGB kill Mr. Posner's Jew family members and relatives in Poland or in Hungary. But we do know that they could be killed in the Gas Chamber, Incinerator, or Concentration camp, and other killing fields.

We also know that, before those Jew victims were sent to the killing fields, they might have been diagnosed by particular Nazi or KGB doctors as "appeared to be delusional and non-lucid", and "mentally incapacitated and/or unable to understand the proceedings that have been brought against them to properly defend their actions, As a result, the Court of Nazi had determined on its own motion, to appoint a Guardian Ad Litem for" those Jewish! Then the Nazi have all their rights to rob all personal properties of those Jews before they were completely destroyed or killed.

Please note that all the words in italics in the above paragraph are excerpted from one of the court orders issued by the Somerset County Superior Court concerning Mr. Gang Liu, a well-known Chinese dissident.

We are really sorry for those Jewish victims of Nazi or KGB brutality! Hope this kind brutality would never happen again to Jews, as well as to any other individual or nationality.

Unfortunately, this kind brutality is happening in the United States, right at the courtroom of the Somerset County Superior Court of New Jersey!

This time, the ruthless ruler is not the Nazi nor KGB, but rather than the Chinese Communist Party, along with a group of Jewish lead by Mr. Posner and his organization Human Rights First! The victim is not Jewish, but rather than Mr. Gang Liu!

Here is an abstract of the story:

Ms. Elisa Guo is an active Chinese military officer who was hiding in the United States to do espionage for the Chinese government. Mr. Gang Liu is a well-known Chinese dissident. Elisa Guo cheated Gang Liu to get a quick marriage, so that she could keep an eye on Gang Liu for the Chinese government.

Once Gang Liu found Elisa Guo's espionage activities, Elisa Guo started to destroy Gang Liu by taking advantage of the American legal system. Elisa Guo first bribed or honey trapped Mr. Robert Bernstein, who was the founding father of many human right organizations, including the "Human Rights Watch", "Human Rights First".

Mr. Bernstein has overwhelming influences to Judges, Attorneys, Police officers, as well as government officials, especially in the Jewish world. Mr. Bernstein has tried to help Elisa Guo to raise money, wire fraud, as well as money laundering.

In order to destroy Gang Liu completely, Mr. Bernstein asked his subordinates or assistants, including Mr. Greathead, Mr. Posner, Ms. Sharon Hom, to meditate/contact with Attorney Generals, Judges, and police officers in New Jersey and in New York to arrest Gang Liu and to persecute Gang Liu by taking advantage of the American legal system. Through false accusation, Gang Liu has been arrested and put into prison 3 times in the last two years.

Judge Thomas Miller helped Elisa Guo to rob Mr. Gang Liu completely through false accusation. Judge Miller assigned a doctor to check Gang Liu and diagnosed Gang Liu as mentally incapacitated, and then assigned a Guardian Ad Litem to Gang Liu. Gang Liu's rights of defending for himself have been completely deprived by Judge Miller. Now, Judge Miller is helping the Chinese Communist to destroy Mr. Gang Liu completely!

There are a lot of brutalities against Mr. Gang Liu committed by the above mentioned people. This article is mainly concentrated on the Honorable Thomas Miller, who has helped the Chinese Communist to persecuted Mr. Gang Liu, while he is in charge of Gang Liu's divorce case.

Chapter 1. Background and Key Players

Elisa Guo vs. Gang Liu's divorce case has been handled by the Somerset County Superior Court for over 30 months. The plaintiff Elisa Guo (also named as Yinghua Guo) is an active Chinese military officer, while the Defendant Gang Liu is a well-known Chinese dissident. Elisa Guo was sent by the Chinese government to do espionage for the interests of the Chinese government and against the interests of the United States.

In 2007, Elisa Guo approached and cheated Gang Liu to get marriage.

Fig. 1.1. On December 21st, Mr. Elisa Guo and Mr. Gang Liu certified marriage at the City Hall of New York City.

In 2009, Gang Liu happened found that Elisa Guo was a Chinese military officer and some of her espionage activities for the Chinese government. Then Elisa Guo tried many ways to destroy Gang Liu by taking advantage of the American legal system. Elisa Guo applied honey traps to bribe some of the American powerful politicians as well as VIPs in other fields, including but not limited to the following people:

Mr. Robert Bernstein, the founder of Human Rights Watch;

Mr. Michael Posner, the Assistant Secretary of Hillary Clinton;

Mr. Scott Greathead, the founder of Human Rights First, and the ex-First Assistant of Attorney General of New York State;

Ms. Paula Dow, the Attorney General of New Jersey from 2010 to 2012;

Mr. Steven Isenberg, the Executive Director of the Pen of America Center.

All the above mentioned VIPs are Jewish and/or are servants/friends of Robert Bernstein or Scott Greathead.

Fig. 1.2. This flowchart showed the network built by Elisa Guo. Through this network, Elisa Guo espionage sensitive information for the Chinese government, and try to destroy Gang Liu.

Some people mentioned in the above chart helped Elisa Guo to do espionage and to do wire fraud. They also tried their best to help Elisa Guo to destroy Gang Liu, so that to avoid the exposure of their fraud or corruption activities.

Some of the above mentioned people helped Elisa Guo to retain Jewish Attorneys to represent Elisa Guo. They also approached and threatened some of Gang Liu's attorneys, to force Gang Liu's attorneys to work for Elisa Guo's interests, and to destroy Gang Liu.

The prosecutors at the Franklin Township Municipal Court and police officers at the Somerset County Superior Court told Gang Liu that Ms. Paula Dow's office gave them orders to provide special protection to Elisa Guo, and asked them to interrogate Gang Liu.

Ms. Sharon Hom and Mr. Gao Wenqian, who are both servants/subordinates of Mr. Robert Bernstein, told Gang Liu that Mr. Robert Bernstein had asked Mr. Scott Greathead to contact with Attorney Generals of New Jersey and New York to give troubles or to arrest Gang Liu. Ms Paula Dow is used to be a friend and colleague of Mr. Scott Greathead. That is why Gang Liu was arrested 3 times and persecuted by the Judges at courts in New Jersey and in New York!

(Due to Judge Miller's request, this picture has to be removed fromt the website.)

Fig. 1.3. On May 5th, 2011, Thomas Miller is sworn as a Judge of the Somerset County Superior Court of New Jersey.

Chapter 2. Ms. Paula Dow ordered her subordinates to persecute Gang Liu!

Please check the following links for more details:

Open Letter to Governor Christie: Complaint against Paula Dow and NJ Police officers.

NYPD Police Officers helped Elisa Guo to persecute Gang Liu!

Open Letter to Mayor Bloomberg: NYPD Officers helped CCP to persecute Chinese Dissdent!

Chapter 3. Judge Miller helps Elisa Guo to rob Gang Liu financially!

Gang Liu filed divorce paper to the Somerset Superior Court in September 2010. Three Honorable Judges have handled this simple divorce case for over 30 months. They couldn't resolve this simple case! Instead, these Honorable Judges have tried all methods to keep this case alive, so that they could help their ex-clerks or friends to make money on Gang Liu, and they could help the Chinese Communist to rob Gang Liu until Gang Liu was destroyed completely.

Especially Honorable Judge Miller has worked with the Chinese Military officer closely and set up Gang Liu many times.

Elisa Guo transferred $280,000 dollars from the couple's joint account to her personal accounts. Gang Liu asked the court to have Elisa Guo transferred the money back. However, Judge Miller claimed that Elisa Guo transferred her own money to her own accounts. Gang Liu immediately provided the bank account's statements and the copy of checks that showed Elisa Guo's transferring activities. Honorable Judge Miller refused to look at those evidences.

Judge Miller has helped Elisa Guo create many traps to set up Gang Liu. This section just describes how Judge Miller helped Elisa Guo to rob Gang Liu's house.

Fig. 3.1. This is Gang Liu's house located in Princeton, New Jersey. It was purchased at $750,000 before the marriage.

It is Gang Liu's house. Elisa moved into this house since July, 2007. Elisa moved out this house on June 29th, 2010. She lived in this house for 3 years. However, Elisa Guo didn't pay any expenses while she lived in this house. She just simply deposited all her income to her accounts. That is why Elisa could have half million dollars of cash saved in her 14 bank accounts!

However, Elisa kept telling Judge Miller that Gang Liu hadn't paid any substantial child supports for the past 3 years! Elisa Guo requested to sell the house. Although Gang Liu provided evidences to show that it was Gang Liu who paid all the expenses for this house and for the families' daily expenses. Hon. Judge Miller claimed Gang Liu was a liar, and he granted all the requests of Elisa Guo, including selling Gang Liu's house.

The house was titled under Gang Liu's name. Gang Liu thought Elisa might not sell the house without Gang Liu's approval and signature. However, she can! And she did it with the helps of Honorable Judge Miller. Just like Mr. Robert Bernstein had ever told Elisa Guo: "Everything is possible here!"

How did Elisa sell Gang Liu's house? It was quite complicated. It was a well designed trap that set up Gang Liu completely. Here are the steps for how to rob Gang Liu's house with the helps of Honorable Judge Miller.

Step 1. Elisa Guo submitted motions to sell the house.

In about August, 2011, Elisa submitted motions to request to sell the house. Gang Liu have never been served with any such kind motions.

Step 2. Judge Miller and Elisa Guo evicted Gang Liu out of his house without any notice.

When Gang Liu showed up at the court in September, 2011, Hon. Judge Miller just simply said to Elisa Guo: "You can sell the house."

Gang Liu asked the Judge to provide any legal documents for selling the house. Judge Miller refused to provide anything, he even didn't provide the motions to Gang Liu.

Right after that court hearing, Elisa Guo sent someone to change locks of the house. Since then, Gang Liu has been strictly forbidden to get into his house.

Step 3. Elisa Guo robbed Gang Liu's personal belongings in that house.

In September, 2011, Elisa took over the house. All Gang Liu's personal belongings were left in that house, including a Lexus Car in the garage, clothes, passport, social security card, documents, etc.

At the following hearing date, Gang Liu asked Judge Miller to allow Gang Liu to get his personal belongings from the house, at least to get cloths and foods in the house. However, Elisa told Hon. Miller that nothing left in the house! Judge Miller immediately rejected Gang Liu's requests, and judged that Gang Liu was a liar! Gang Liu asked Judge Miller to send someone to the house and check if the Lexus car was in the garage and if his clothes were in the house. Judge Miller rejected Gang Liu's requests and adjourned the hearing.

Step 4. Hon. Judge Miller Granted Elisa Guo the Power of Attorney.

Fig. 3.2 On October 21st, 2011, Hon. Thomas Miller granted Elisa Guo power of attorney, which allowed Elisa Guo to sign any contracts for Gang Liu!

Since then, Elisa has the right to sign any contract for Gang Liu without Gang Liu's consent nor approval!

Fig. 3.3. On August 21st, 2012, Elisa signed this document for Gang Liu as Power Attorney. No one showed Gang Liu this file until the house already sold.

Fig. 3.4. On August 21st, 2012, Elisa signed the above two legal files for Gang Liu as Power Attorney.

Elisa Guo must signed many legal documents or contracts for Gang Liu without acknowledge Gang Liu. Gang Liu got the above three files at the end of 2012, while his house had been completed transferred to the new owner.

Step 5. Hon. Miller appointed a temporary Guardian to Gang Liu, and thus deprived Gang Liu's right to defend for himself.

On December 19th, 2011, Hon. Miller appointed Mr. Carl Taylor as the temporary Guardian Ad Litem for Gang Liu. Gang Liu strongly opposed to assign a Guardian to him. However, Hon. Miller just simply made the decision. Since then, Gang Liu was not allowed to show up at the court hearing, and was not allowed to speak to Hon. Miller directly. Gang Liu couldn't have any chances to discuss with the Judge about his divorce case. The Guardian can make all decisions for Gang Liu without his approval and without acknowledge him! That means, legally, Gang Liu is no longer exist in this world!

Mr. Carl Taylor has never provided Gang Liu any advice. He claimed that he was responsible to Hon. Judge Miller. He wrote a report to Judge Miller which suggested that Gang Liu have no capability to represent himself. Mr. Taylor has never show his report to Gang Liu!

Judge Miller ordered Gang Liu to pay Carl Taylor at the rate $225 per hour! Judge Miller forced Gang Liu to pay a guardian that was forced to appointed to Gang Liu!

Fig. 3.5. On December 19th, 2011, Hon. Miller appointed Carl Taylor as the Guardian ad Litem for Gang Liu.

Step 6. Judge Miller issued court order to force Gang Liu to be checked by Dr. Donald Franklin.

Judge Miller claimed that Gang Liu might have mental problems and might not capable to represent himself. Judge Miller ordered Gang Liu to be checked by a Psychologist, and the Psychologist had to be assigned by Hon. Miller. Hon. Miller would not allow Gang Liu to be pro Se to represent for himself, unless Gang Liu was checked and confirmed by a Psychologist.

On May 7th, 2012, Gang Liu went to see Dr. Donald Franklin, the Psychologist assigned by Hon. Judge Miller. Dr. Franklin asked Gang Liu to answer a check list questions. Judge Miller ordered Gang Liu to pay Dr. Franklin at a high hourly rate. Dr. Franklin has never provided any of his report to Gang Liu. Gang Liu didn't know what kind reports Dr. Franklin provided to the court until recently Gang Liu got the following statement made by Judge Miller.

Fig. 3.6. Judge Miller forced Gang Liu to be checked by Dr. Franklin. Dr. Franklin recommended the court to assign a legal guardian for Gang Liu. Then Judge Miller appointed Michael DeTommaso as Guardian ad Litem for Gang Liu.

Gang Liu believed that Dr.Franklin knew Judge Miller and knew what kind reports Judge Miller wanted. Dr. Franklin just provided the suggestion what Judge Miller wanted! Dr. Franklin confirmed that Gang Liu had mental problems! However, when Gang Liu asked for reducing the child support amount, all these people no longer insisted on Gang Liu had mental problems. Instead, they claimed Gang Liu had capability to make $250K annually!

Since Michael DeTommaso was assigned as Permanent Guardian, Gang Liu have had no chances to meet nor to speak to Judge Miller. Every time, Gang Liu showed up at the court hearing as requested, Mr. DeTommaso would represent Gang Liu to discuss the divorce case. Mr. DeTommaso could make decision for Gang Liu without Gang Liu's approval.

It has been 7 months since DeTommaso was assigned as Gang Liu's Guardian. Judge Miller judged that Gang Liu had mental problems and couldn't represent himself. Whenever Gang Liu needs helps to make argument for his divorce case, Mr. DeTommaso refused to provide any legal services, and stated that he was a guardian, not Gang Liu's attorney. Then, no one can defense for Gang Liu. The Honorable Judge Miller completely deprived Gang Liu's right of defense!

Actually, Hon. Judge Miller, Elisa Guo, DeTommaso, and Mr. Ira Treuhaft have been working like a team. They just work together to rob/persecute/destroy Gang Liu! The role of Mr. DeTommaso was simply a Messenger: he conveys whatever decision made by Judge Miller to Gang Liu. However, he refused to convey whatever Gang Liu's arguments to Judge Miller. For example, Gang Liu asked him to tell Judge Miller that he wanted to have a hearing to reduce the Child support amount. DeTommaso refused to do that. DeTommaso said that Gang Liu needed to submit a motion by himself. However, Gang Liu had submitted such kind motions in 2011, Judge Miller rejected the requests. And then, Judge Miller told Claimed that Gang Liu had mental problems and was not capable to represent himself.

DeTommaso hadn't done anything positive for Gang Liu. He just counted his time he spent with Gang Liu, including meeting, phone, email, etc.. All of the time he spent with Gang Liu would be listed in his invoice. He charged Gang Liu at $300 hourly! He promised to have Elisa Guo to provide the requested documents, including the bank statements. But he couldn't get a single bank statements from Elisa Guo in 7 months!

Whom does Mr. DeTommaso work for? At least Gang Liu hadn't got any benefits from DeTommaso's work. But he charged Gang Liu $300 per hour for his legal services. And Gang Liu has no rights to fire him!

Step 7. Elisa Guo Sold the house, and she wanted to take all gain from house deal.

Gang Liu purchased the house at $750,000. Elisa Guo sold it at $535,000. The house deal resulted $215,000 loss. However, Elisa Guo wanted to keep every Penny received from the house deal.

Fig. 3.7. Elisa Guo listed 23 reasons for keeping the $100,000 profit from the house deal.

At the end, Elisa Certified that: "I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment."

Item 5 in the above statement stated that: "He (Gang Liu) has not paid any substantial Child support in the past three years".

This is definitely a false statements. Gang Liu provided evidences to show that it was Gang Liu who paid all the expenses incurred by the family from July 8th, 2007 to July 1st, 2010. Elisa hasn't spent any of her income in the family's expenses. That is why she could have half Million cash in her bank accounts!

Gang Liu asked Mr. DeTommaso to remind Judge Miller that Elisa Guo made many such kind false statements, and lied to the court. But Mr. DeTommaso refused to do that.

Step 8. To transfer the $100,000 rewards into Elisa Guo's pocket by applying the rule of "default"!

By selling the house, Elisa Guo received roughly about $100,000. These money should be allocated based on the actual cost and contributions to the house. However, Elisa Guo wanted to take all of it.

Again, Elisa Guo tried to have it by default. Mr. Ira Treuhaft, the Fourth attorney of Elisa Guo for her matrimonial case, prepared a motion named "Order to Show Cause". It requested the court to order Gang Liu to show reasons that Gang Liu had rights to share the gain from the House deal. It requested Gang Liu to provide such kind evidences within 2 weeks. If not, it means Gang Liu defaulted from sharing any gain in the house deal.

It was Gang Liu's house. But the court asked Gang Liu to show reasons that Gang Liu had rights to share any compensation from the house deal within 2-weeks! Otherwise, all the gain would be defaulted to be Elisa Guo's! And most important, they had never serve this file to Gang Liu. They provided proofs to show that they had sent certified mails to the residential house. However, they clearly knew that Gang Liu was evicted from that house and Elisa Guo could access that house!

Judge Miller had allowed Elisa Guo applied such kind "default" rules many times to favor Elisa Guo's interests.

Fig. 3.8. Mr. Ira Treuhaft has represented Elisa Guo's since August 2012.

Now, hope you can understand how Hon. Thomas Miller helped Elisa Guo to rob Gang Liu's house. Mr. DeTommaso, Mr. Carl Taylor, and Dr. Franklin, the Guardians and doctors assigned by Judge Miller to Gang Liu, played important roles in this robbing process. However, Hon. Miller and his team wouldn't stop there. Mr. DeTommaso, Dr. Franklin, Mr. Taylor were all ordered to charge Gang Liu at about $300 hourly rate! Suppose these three professionals work one year for Gang Liu, then Gang Liu has to work for ten years to earn enough money to pay their professional consulting fee! And Gang Liu doesn't have rights to fire any of them!

This is quite familiar! People have seen such kind Gang criminals in Hollywood films. However, it was real happened today and in the United States! It is still on going criminal drama showing in this particular courtroom of the Somerset County Superior Court in New Jersey!

Gang Liu believes that Honorable Thomas Miller should not be that kind evil! He also believes that it is only the Communist or the Nazi could be that kind evil! There might be a reasons for Honorable Thomas Miller to do that kind evil things, and to help the Chinese military officer Elisa Guo to rob and destroy Gang Liu completely. We shouldn't guess what are the reasons. But we could imagine who is behind all of these traps. Here are possible answers:

1) The Chinese Communist. Because they hate Gang Liu so much, and they just wanted to cover Elisa Guo.

2) Robert Bernstein and Scott Greathead. These two were so anxious to provide helps to Elisa Guo, just because they believe Elisa Guo is a beautiful and excellent Chinese lady! Bernstein used to tell Elisa: "don't worry, everything is possible. All the Jewish people are on our side. Most of the Jewish attorneys knew my name."

3) Ms. Paula Dow, the Attorney General of New Jersey. She had sent her detectives to harass Gang Liu and to protect Elisa Guo.

4) Mr. Michael Posner, Assistant Secretary of the United States. Bernstein said Michael Posner used to be an assistant of Mr. Greathead, while Greathead is always an assistant of Bernstein.

Anyway, the Chinese Communist is always behind it. No one else could play such kind big traps.

Chapter 4. Judge Miller viciously indicated that Gang Liu was mentally incapacitated!

On December 19th, 2011, Judge Thomas Miller issued a statement, which made "various vile and slanderous and unsupported statements" concerning Gang Liu. Note that the words in quotes are all words in Judge Miller's statements. Here are some examples of Judge Miller's vile statements:

"The Court notes that this particular Defendant, Mr. Liu, who was in this Court on a case Management Conference held October 24, 2011. On the record on that day the Court noted that Defendant made various vile and slanderous and unsupported statements concerning Plaintiff. Specifically, Defendant indicated that Plaintiff was a member of the Communist Party in China and that she, or agents of hers, had been sent to the United States in order to kill the Defendant. Defendant appeared to be delusional and non-lucid. The Court commented that it was unsure whether he had the capability to understand the proceedings against him."

"The Court is concerned that Defendant is mentally incapacitated and/or unable to understand the proceedings that have been brought against him to properly defend his actions. As a result, the Court has determined on its own motion, to appoint a Guardian Ad Litem for Defendant."

Please check the following two figures for more details about Judge Miller's statement.

Fig. 4.1. The page 1-2 of Judge Miller's statement issued on December 19th, 2011.

Fig. 4.2. The page 3-4 of Judge Miller's statement issued on December 19th, 2011.

Are these quoted statements vile and slanderous and unsupported against Gang Liu? Judge Miller made a lot of such kind vile statements concerning Gang Liu in the Courtroom!

It was true that Gang Liu told Judge Miller that Elisa Guo was a Chinese military officer and cheated Gang Liu to marry her. This is a true statement! Gang Liu also has showed evidences to the court to support his statement.

Actually, on September 9th, 2010, right in that Courtroom, Elisa Guo confessed to the Court that she graduated from Shanghai Second Military Medical University, and thus a Chinese Military officer, and must be a member of the Chinese Communist Party. Judge Anthony F. Picheca Jr. clearly heard Elisa Guo's statements about her Chinese Military background. However, Judge Picheca immediately stopped Elisa Guo, and stated loudly: "Stop that, Madam! That is not relevant to this case!"

Gang Liu told Judge Miller about what Elisa Guo's confessing statements to this Court. Also, Gang Liu provided the hard copies of an ID which Elisa Guo used in the Chinese Military school, as shown in the following figure.

Fig. 4.3. This medical record is belong to Elisa Guo. It shows that Elisa Guo graduated from the Shanghai Second Military Medical University.

"Elisa Guo is a Chinese Military officer." This is Gang Liu's statement. Elisa Guo confessed that to the Court. Gang Liu provided evidences to the Court. It is a statement of true and fully supported!

However, Judge Miller judged that statement was a "vile and slanderous and unsupported statements" concerning Elisa Guo!

It was Judge Miller who made a "vile and slanderous and unsupported statements" concerning Gang Liu!

Judge Miller's statement was completely a "vile and slanderous and unsupported statement" concerning Gang Liu!

Furthermore, Elisa Guo told the Court that she was a Chinese Military officer.

Judge Miller didn't make any comment on Elisa Guo's statement!

Judge Miller didn't think Elisa Guo "appeared to be delusional and non-lucid"!

Judge Miller has never been concerned that Elisa Guo is mentally incapacitated and/or is unable to understand the proceedings"!

However, one year later, Gang Liu repeated what Elisa Guo stated to this Court, Judge Miller make a lot of vicious comments on the same statement!

Judge Miller believed it was a unsupported statement!

Judge Miller believed Gang Liu "appeared to be delusional and non-lucid"!

And Judge Miller assigned a guardian Ad Litem to Gang Liu just because Gang Liu repeated a statement that Elisa Guo stated to the same Court one year ago!

Is this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, a fair Judge?

Is this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, appeared to be delusional and non-lucid?

Is this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, mentally incapacitated and/or is unable to understand the proceedings that he was charging for this simple divorce case?

Does this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, need to be assigned a Guardian Ad Litem?

Based on the same rules provided by Judge Miller, Judge Miller and Elisa Guo should be checked by Dr. Donald J. Franklin immediately!

Based on the same rules provided by Judge Miller, both Judge Miller and Elisa Guo should be assigned a Guardian Ad Litem immediately!

Chapter 5. Elisa Guo transferred $270K to her personal accounts. Judge Miller didn't allow Gang Liu to get back his money!

Elisa Guo transferred large amount of money from the Couples joint accounts to her personal accounts.

Fig. 5.1. Bank statements for one of the joint accounts owned by the couple. It indicates Elisa Guo transferred $270K from this joint account to her personal accounts from July 2009 to June 2010.

Please note that Gang Liu has carefully hidden the bank account information by showing the last 4 digits of the bank account number. Also, this account has been closed in August 2010. Hope Judge Thomas Miller and the police officers of the 17th Precinct or New York would not arrest Gang Liu again based on this posting! The above figure didn't disclose any sensitive information! It only disclose the transaction activities made by Elisa Guo, which Judge Miller didn't want to admit.

From the above bank statements, we can easily get the following observations and conclusions:

(1) Elisa Guo transferred $270K from this joint account to her personal accounts from July 2009 to June 2010.

(2) Elisa Guo hasn't paid any family expenses from this joint account, except some payments to Children Place, which at most $200 in total.

(3) Elisa Guo deposited $37,139.2 to this bank account on October 23rd, 2009. This is the money given by Mr. Yan Wenming, who is a Chinese Military Security Agent. Mr. Yan Wenming visited United States and lived with Elisa Guo from September 8th to 20th, 2009. Mr. Yan Wenming later told Gang Liu through phone that Chinese Government paid Elisa Guo $60,000 annually as allowance! The deposited $37,139.2 is just partial of allowance paid by the Chinese government!

Fig. 5.2. Elisa Guo had 12 other personal accounts. You can imagine how much money Elisa Guo in her bank accounts!

Gang Liu requested Judge Thomas Miller many times to order Elisa Guo return the transferred money. However, Judge Miller stated that Elisa Guo transferred her own money to her own accounts.

Elisa Guo claimed that the joint accounts was Elisa Guo's, it was Gang Liu who forced to add his name to Elisa Guo's account! This is definitely a false statement. However, Judge Miller immediately supported Elisa Guo's false statement, and viciously adjudged Gang Liu was a liar! Gang Liu submitted to Judge Miller the joint bank account information, which indicated Gang Liu owns that bank account since 2005, while Elisa Guo added her name to the bank accounts in 2008. It was Elisa Guo who was a liar! Judge Miller refused to look at the bank account information, and continued to claim that Gang Liu was a liar!

As Judge Thomas Miller continuously rejected Gang Liu's request to have Elisa Guo return the money to him, Gang Liu doesn't have any other choice, except to disclose some of the joint bank account statements as shown in Figure 5.1.

Fig. 5.3. Copies of the two checks that Elisa Guo transferred large amount money to herself or to her mother.

Zhongyu Liu is Elisa Guo's mother. Elisa Guo just used her mother's name created several bank accounts, which are used for wire fraud activities. Her mother can't speak English and had never visited any banks, except the time when Elisa Guo needs her mother's signature for creating those bank accounts.

Elisa Guo wrote a memo to state that the above mentioned checks was paid to the mortgage. However, she lied again. She deposited this check to her bank accounts and then transferred to her mother's accounts.

Chapter 6. Judge Picheca manipulated the divorce case to make Gang Liu as defendant, instead of plaintiff!

In August 2010, Gang Liu retained Ms. Natalee Picillo as his matrimonial attorney. Gang Liu asked Ms. Picillo to submit the divorce paper as soon as possible.

On about September 2nd, 2010, Ms. Picillo submitted the divorce file to the Somerset County Superior Court. However, Ms. Picillo told Gang Liu that Judge Anthony F. Picheca Jr. asked her to wait for a few days and let Elisa Guo submit the divorce paper first, thus could let Elisa Guo be the Plaintiff and let Gang Liu be the Defendant.

Fig. 6.1. On September 2nd, 2010, Ms. Natalee Picillo submitted the divorce file along with this file to the Somerset County Superior Court. This file clearly indicated that Gang Liu was the Plaintiff, while Elisa Guo as the Defendant.

Fig. 6.2. On about September 9th, Ms. Picillo submitted the above counter complaint. However, Elisa Guo's attorney hadn't submitted divorce paper at that time. There were no any Plaintiffs yet, but Ms. Picillo made me as the Defendant! There was no any divorce complaint yet, but Ms. Picillo submitted this Countercomplaint to the court.

Obviously, Ms. Picillo worked with Judge Anthony F. Picheca to set Gang Liu up! They manipulated the case to made me as defendant! And Judge Anthony F. Picheca had already decided that Elisa Guo must be the plaintiff before Elisa Guo submit the divorce paper to the court!

Chapter 7. The divorce case couldn't be resolved within 30 months, because Elisa Guo refused to provide requested documents!

In early September 2010, both Elisa Guo and Gang Liu submitted the divorce paper along with discovery requests and interrogatory questions to the Somerset County Superior Court. This is a simple divorce case. It could have been easily resolved as long as both parties submitted the discovery files, so that the all properties could be equitably distributed between the two parties. Gang Liu provided all the discovery files, including all bank statements for the previous 6 years. However, Elisa Guo refused to provide any requested documents requested by Gang Liu through his attorneys.

Fig. 7.1. This is one of the files submitted to the court, which requested Elisa Guo to provide the discovery files with in 30 days. However, Elisa Guo has never provided any of the requested files in 30 months!

Ms. Picillo has submitted the interrogatory questions and requested for discovery documents to the court. Elisa Guo refused to answer any of the questions and refused to provide any of the requested documents. Instead, Elisa Guo claimed the requested documents and interrogatory questions were harassment to her, and she asked the court to punish Gang Liu and Ms. Picillo for requesting such kind discovery files.

Mr. Allen Comba, Elisa Guo's attorney, responded to Ms. Picillo by sending a mail, which clearly said that Elisa Guo was trying to buy time, so that she could hide and transfer assets. Elisa Guo immediately fired Mr. Allen Comba.

Elisa Guo refused to submit requested documents for over 30 months. However, Judge Thomas Miller had never punished Elisa Guo. Instead, Judge Miller continuously punished Gang Liu, who had always cooperate with the court to provide all the requested discovery files.

Eventually, on February 1st, 2013, Mr. Michael DeTommaso sent email to Gang Liu, and notified that Elisa Guo just provided some of the requested files to the Court. However, Elisa Guo stated that her bank accounts were very sensitive, thus she requested the Judge do not allow Gang Liu to have copies of these files. Judge Miller approved Elisa Guo's such ridiculous requests! Judge Thomas Miller gave orders that some of the files were forbidden to be reviewed by Gang Liu, and some of the files could only be reviewed by Gang Liu at the Courtroom, and strictly forbidden Gang Liu to make copy nor take picture of these files!

Fig. 7.2. This is one of the Emails sent from Guardian DeTommaso to Gang Liu, which indicated that the discovery documents could only be reviewed at the Courtroom, and the Paternity test results will be sent to the Guardian, not to Gang Liu. Judge Miller ordered Gang Liu to pay $525 for paternity test, but restrict Gang Liu to get the test results!

Fig. 7.3. The email chains between Gang Liu and Mr. DeTommaso regarding reviewing the discovery documents at the courtroom.

Fig. 7.4. Mr. Ira Treuhaft, Elisa Guo's attorney, sent this file to Judge Thomas Miller, which stated that Elisa Guo had provided the bank statements to the Court, but they refused to send a copy to the Defendant Gang Liu!

Gang Liu had provided all his bank accounts to the court and to Elisa Guo. But Judge Thomas Miller refused Gang Liu to have a copy of Elisa Guo's bank statements. Judge Thomas Miller only allow Gang Liu to review partial of Elisa Guo's bank statements at the courtroom.

Gang Liu requested Elisa Guo to provide the discovery files. Elisa Guo eventually provided some of the files. But Judge Miller refused Gang Liu to have a copy of the requested files!

Is this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, fair enough?

Of course Elisa Guo's bank statements could be very sensitive! There are might be wired fraud activities! There are might be some illegal income that could be tracked back to the Chinese government!

This particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, gave orders to protect Chinese Military officer's espionage activities, and helps the Chinese government to hide its military agent in the United States!

Is this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, reasonable?

Is this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, serving for the interests of the Chinese Military Agency?

Of course these questions are also very sensitive to Thomas Miller, and he would definitely refused to answer any of these questions! Judge Thomas Miller might punish Gang Liu for raising such kind questions, just like he used to do to Gang Liu.

Chapter 8. Judge Miller Granted any motions submitted by Elisa Guo without hearings and without serving the motions to defendant Gang Liu!

It is not fair to say that Hon. Thomas Miller hasn't done anything for this simple divorce case. Actually, he has done a lot. Judge Miller has made this simple case very complicated, so that to favor Elisa Guo and to punish Gang Liu.

Since Judge Miller took over this case in February 2011, he has ordered Gang Liu to show up at the court almost every month or so. Gang Liu always showed up at the court on time, but Elisa Guo and her attorney were always late or didn't show up. Whenever both parties showed up at the court, Judge Miller wouldn't do anything except rescheduling the court hearing to another date, normally one or two months later. There is only one time that Gang Liu showed up at the Court late. Judge Miller took that time to issue a court order to assign a temporary guardian to Gang Liu and to order Gang Liu to be checked by Dr. Donald Franklin, a psychologist.

Fig. 8.1. Elisa Guo submitted a motion to sell Gang Liu's house. Gang Liu had never been served with this motion until August 31, 2012. However, without a court hearing. Judge Miller granted Elisa Guo's motion on October 21, 2011.

Fig. 8.2. Elisa Guo had never served her motions to Gang Liu. However, Judge Miller just simply stated that "Plaintiff served Defendant with this motion"!

Fig. 8.3. Elisa Guo's Attorney certified that the motions had been served to Defendant Gang Liu. However, it claimed the motions were sent to an address of the Plaintiff Elisa Guo's!

The above picture was taken from one of the motions that Elisa Guo submitted to the court. This page certified that Elisa's motion had been served to Defendant Gang Liu. It clearly stated that the motions were sent to the address of 11 Ridings Parkway, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, where the house had been taken over by Elisa Guo since September 2011! Elisa Guo's Attorney clearly knew that that address had been no longer Gang Liu's, but rather than Elisa Guo's. Judge Miller definitely know that, because it was Judge Miller who evicted Gang Liu from that house and let Elisa Guo to sell that house in September 2011!

Elisa Guo's attorney just mailed the Motions to an address of Elisa Guo's, then certified that the file had been served to Defendant Gang Liu! This is definitely a statement of willfully false! Mr. John Kelleher even sworn that:

 "I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment"!

Mr. John Keller did know that he made false statements willfully in his statements. And he did know that Judge Miller definitely know that was a false statement. However, Mr. John Keller still so confident to make the false statement and his sworn for that, because he did definitely know that Judge Miller wouldn't punish him at all even he made an obvious false statement at the court!

Is this particular lawyer, Mr. John Kelleher "shocking offensive", or "mind boggling"?

Gang Liu is so sorry to pour so many uncivilized or slanderous words on to Mr. John Kelleher. However, all these words had been frequently used to slander Gang Liu by Mr. John Kelleher at the courtroom or in his legal documents. Figure 9.1 has shown some examples!

Is this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, "mentally incapacitated",  "delusional and non-lucid", or even worse, VILE?

Gang Liu is so sorry to pour so many "vile" words on to Judge Miller. However, it was Judge Miller who has taught how to use those damn words! It was Judge Miller who has frequently poured such kind evil word on to Gang Liu, not only orally in his courtroom but also literally in his legal statements!

Fig. 8.5. This is an court order signed by Hon. Thomas Miller on June 15th, 2012. It stated that Gang Liu appeared in Court approximately one and half hours late. Judge Miller also granted most of the requests raised by Elisa Guo.

When Gang Liu showed up at the court for a case management conference on a scheduled date in September 2011, Judge Miller asked Gang Liu if he had any questions about Elisa Guo's motions. Gang Liu asked for the motions. But Judge Miller claimed that Gang Liu had been served with the motions. Gang Liu told Judge Miller that he had never served with any motions. Gang Liu further asked the Judge to provide him a copy of the motions. Judge Miller refused to provide any files to Gang Liu, and just said "the motions was approved." Then Judge Miller told Elisa Guo: "You can list the house and sell the house now." Gang Liu immediately opposed Judge Miller's decision.

Gang Liu was so confused about Judge Miller's decision. How can Judge Miller approved/granted a motion that was not served to the defendant? How can Judge Miller approved a motion without a hearing and didn't allow the defendant to express opposition?

People might wonder that Gang Liu might have been served with the relevant motions. Otherwise, how could he have those files and have them posted on the web?

It was true that Gang Liu eventually received some of these documents. But it was not served by Elisa Guo, it was served by Mr. DeTommaso, who is Gang Liu Guardian assigned by Judge Miller! Most important, on August 31st, 2012, Mr. DeTommaso sent to Gang Liu an email which contains an attached file with 33 pages, which includes some of the motions submitted by Elisa Guo in the previous years! And all these motions have been approved by Judge Miller long time ago!

What a trick! Judge Miller always approve Elisa Guo's motions without the motions being served to the Defendant Gang Liu! And Honorable Judge Miller always stated that Plaintiff had served the motions to Defendant Gang Liu by certified mail!

Any evidences that could show Elisa Guo really served the motions to Defendant Gang Liu? Yes, there are! The only evidence was stated in Judge Miller's Statement as following:

Particularly, Plaintiff served Defendant through his former counsel with this Motion. Defendant's counsel, however, has apparently forwarded the motion papers to Defendant by certified mail which apparently has been received by Defendant. The Court has confirmed that the certified mail was forwarded to Defendant's proper and current address. (see Fig. 8.2.)

Judge Miller just simply judged that Defendant apparently has been served the motions! Judge Miller didn't provide any of evidences to support his statement. Judge Miller just imagine it! Judge Miller just believe whatever Elisa Guo told him!

Here are the questions regarding Judge Miller's imagine:

(1) Who is the former Counsel? Ms. Picillo, or Mr. Angelo? Or might be my father who died in 2008. Judge Miller didn't tell us clearly! It could be anyone or somebody!

(2) Where is the "Defendant's proper and current address"? In New York, or in New Jersey, or might be in China? Judge Miller didn't state it precisely! It could be anywhere in the world or in the air!

(3) Judge Miller didn't know who sent the certified mail, and where it was sent to! How could Judge Miller concluded that "apparently has been received by Defendant"?

Actually, Judge Miller did remember that he had evicted Gang Liu out of his New Jersey house since September 2011, but he didn't know and didn't care where Gang Liu live thereafter. The court kept sending court files to Gang Liu to the New Jersey house. However, Gang Liu was not allowed to get into that house. Elisa Guo was the only one who could access that house. Elisa Guo sent the motions to Gang Liu's former Counsel, and let that Counsel sent back the motions to herself. Then, Elisa Guo claimed that she had served the Motions to Gang Liu. Finally, Judge Miller claimed that "The Court has confirmed that the certified mail was forwarded to Defendant's proper and current address."

What a game! This particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller has always played games with this particular Plaintiff, Ms. Elisa Guo! They cheated to each other, and then they claimed that Defendant Gang Liu had apparently received their Mails!

How ridiculous this game is! What a trick!

Judge Miller understand that people might see through such kind dirty tricks. To make sure his tricks wouldn't be exposed, Judge Miller assigned Gang Liu a Guardian, and let the Guardian sent all these expired motions to Gang Liu again in a package.

Please look back at the files that should be served Defendant Gang Liu. The top line started shows:

"8/31/2012 3:40 PM (GW), From Treuhaft-Zakarin, LLP 646-924-0554 To: 19085950343 Page 26 of 33"

That indicates the file contains 33 pages and was faxed from Mr. Treuhaft to Mr. DeTommaso on 8/31/2012! Then, immediately, Mr. DeTommaso sent all these files to Gang Liu through email on the same date!

Mr. DeTommaso just played as the messenger or process server! But Mr. DeTommaso served these files too late! Some of the files should be served to Gang Liu in 2011! It was almost one year late!

Mr. DeTommaso didn't do his job properly! Not only he served the files too late, but also he forgot to hide the actual date he served the files to Mr. Gang Liu! It was 8/31/2012! That date made Judge Thomas Miller's trick exposed completely!

Chapter 9. Judge Miller rejected any motions submitted by Gang Liu!

In December 2011, Gang Liu submitted several motions to the Somerset County Superior Court. Including the following requests:

(1) Request to reduce the Child support amount.

(2) Request shared custody and visitation for the baby Angela Liu.

(3) Request a paternity test.

(4) Request a hearing about whether Elisa Guo is a Chinese Military officer, etc.

(5) Elisa Guo refused to pay $2000 deposit, which was ordered by the consent order issued by this court on June 24th, 2010. Gang Liu requested to reinstate that consent order.

Judge Thomas Miller only allowed to discuss the first two motions listed above, but he rejected all the requests of these two motions. Please check Figure 4.1. and 4.2. for more details about the statement made by Judge Miller, in which Judge Miller listed the reasons for rejecting the motions. Fig. 9.1. is the opposition motion submitted by Mr. John Kelleher, which also lists the reasons for rejecting Gang Liu's requests.

Fig. 9.1. Mr. John Keller claimed that Gang Liu hadn't served him the motions by sending him the motions through the Court!

Judge Miller didn't accept all the other 3 motions submitted by Gang Liu, and claimed that these three motions hadn't served Plaintiff Elisa Guo properly!

In the opposition motion to Gang Liu's motions, John Kelleher claimed that:

"By the way, his Certification of Service which states that he handed me this Motion in Court is false. I asked him to mail it to me. He did not. The Court sent me the Motion."

Actually, before sending the motions to John Kelleher, Gang Liu had consulted the Court Clerks for how to serve the Motions to Elisa Guo. The Court clerks advised Gang Liu clearly that he couldn't send the Mail to Elisa Guo nor his attorney directly due to the restraining order against him. The court clerks also advised Gang Liu that the best way to serve the motions to Elisa Guo was serving her through the Court. That is why Mr. John Kelleher received the motions sent by the Court. To make sure John Kelleher got a copy of the motions, Gang Liu also handed the motions to Mr. Kelleher at the Courtroom. However, Mr. John Kelleher claimed that the service is false! And Judge Miller refused Gang Liu's 3 Motions based on Mr. John Kelleher's claims: the Motions were not served properly!

Judge Miller refused to discuss Gang Liu's motions and claimed that Gang Liu hadn't submit the motions properly by serving the Motions through the Court!

However, Judge Miller believed that Elisa Guo's Motions were all served to Defendant Gang Liu properly by sending the Motions to Elisa Guo's address! And Judge Miller granted all the requests in those motions which had never served to Defendant Gang Liu!

How ridiculous this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller is!

How could this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, treat men and women so differently?

Does this  particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, treat this particular Plaintiff, Ms. Elisa Guo specifically, just because she was a beautiful lady, or because she was a Chinese Military officer?

Is this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, a sexism, or a Marxism?

Is this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, fair enough?

Or using his own words:

Is this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, "appeared to be delusional and non-lucid"?

Is this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, "mentally incapacitated and/or is unable to understand the proceedings" that he was charging for this simple divorce case?

Does this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, need to be assigned a Guardian Ad Litem?

Based on the same rules provided by Judge Miller, Judge Miller and Elisa Guo should be checked by Dr. Donald J. Franklin immediately!

Based on the same rules provided by Judge Miller, both Judge Miller and Elisa Guo should be assigned a Guardian Ad Litem immediately!

Chapter 10. Judge Miller persecuted Gang Liu through the probation system!

Judge Miller not only helps the Chinese Communist to rob Gang Liu, but also is trying to put Gang Liu into prison through the probation system.

In July 2010, Gang Liu reported to FBI and some other government agencies regarding Elisa Guo's espionage activities, especially Elisa Guo was a Chinese Military officer. However, FBI refused to investigate Gang Liu's report. Then, Gang Liu posted his report on the web, so that let more people know that Chinese Government sent military officers to the United States to do Military related espionage.

In August 2010, Elisa Guo submitted lawsuit against me, and complained Gang Liu exposed sensitive information about Elisa Guo.

Gang Liu also filed a counter complaint against Elisa Guo, which complained Elisa Guo cheated Gang Liu by hiding her Chinese Military status to get married with Gang Liu, also complained Elisa Guo assaulted Gang Liu many times.

On September 8th and 9th, 2010, Judge Anthony Picheca Jr. gave two days court hearing about the two complaints. Gang Liu retained Ms. Picillo to represent him for this case. Elisa Guo retained Mr. Comba to represent her. Before the court hearing started, both Ms. Picillo and Mr. Comba asked both sides to drop the case. Elisa refused to drop it and she fired Comba right at the court. Elisa Guo represented herself as Pro Se.

Ms. Picillo advised Gang Liu that never mention Elisa Guo's Chinese Military background. However, during the court hearing on September 9th, Elisa Guo herself confessed that she was a graduate of a Chinese Military University, and thus a Chinese Military officer. However, Judge Anthony Picheca Jr. immediately stopped her and told her that it was not relevant to this case. Of course it is relevant to this case! That is the major complains in Gang Liu's complaint. Obviously, Judge Pichca wanted to protect Elisa Guo!

Finally, Judge Anthony Picheca gave a Final Restraining Order against Gang Liu. Judge Anthony Picheca helped Elisa Guo to win this case!

Fig. 10.1. The Final Restraining Order against Gang Liu, which ordered Gang Liu to give Child support to Elisa Guo. It was clearly stated that the Child support amount $219 should be MAILED TO Elisa Guo's P.O. Box.

Right at the Courtroom, Judge Anthony Picheca ordered Gang Liu to write a check to Elisa Guo as Child support for the first two weeks. Gang Liu did write a check and handed it through the assistant of Judge Anthony Picheca's.

Fig. 10.2. Four Checks that Gang Liu sent to Elisa Guo as child support. Elisa Guo cashed all these checks. But the probation office didn't refused give any credits to the above mentioned checks as Child support.

Gang Liu continued to send checks to Elisa Guo as child support, as shown in Fig. 10.2. Elisa Guo did cashed these checks.

Two months later, Gang Liu found that the probation office also deducted the child support amount from his pay checks. It made Gang Liu to pay the Child support twice, or say doubled. Gang Liu immediately stopped sending Child supports to Elisa Guo.

Gang Liu kept receiving complaints that Gang Liu in arrears for the Child support amount. Gang Liu went to the Probation office at the Somerset County Superior Court and talked to the probation officers many times. The probation officers told Gang Liu that Elisa Guo originally gave credits for those checks. Elisa Guo took it back and told Probation office that these checks were not for Child support, these checks were gifts to the Child! Elisa Guo lied to the Probation office. However, Probation office just believed whatever Elisa Guo told them and do whatever Elisa Guo told them to do! They served like servants of Elisa Guo's. The probation office deducted extra amount from Gang Liu's tax returns.

Gang Liu showed the copies of these checks to the probation office and asked them to give Gang Liu credits. The probation officer refused Gang Liu's request. The asked Gang Liu to talk to Judge Miller, and said they wouldn't give Gang Liu credits for these checks unless Judge Miller asked them to do so. Gang Liu showed these Checks several times to Judge Miller during the court hearings. Judge Miller simply asked Gang Liu to provide the copy of these checks to Elisa Guo's attorney and let Elisa Guo decide whether should give credits for those checks.

Gang Liu provided copies of these checks to Mr. John Kelleher, who was Elisa Guo's attorney at that time. Of course Elisa Guo refused to give Gang Liu any credits to these checks and insisted on these checks were not for Child support.

Gang Liu has argued with the probation office and the Court regarding these 4 checks over 2 years. But they just simply refused Gang Liu's requests or just let Elisa Guo make the decision!

Fig. 10.3. Here are emails between Gang Liu and his Guardian DeTommaso regarding the checks sent to Elisa Guo as Child support.

Mr. Gang Liu also raised the child support issue to Mr. DeTommaso. Gang Liu clearly told Mr. DeTommaso that Gang Liu already provided all these evidences to Elisa Guo's attorney many times. However, Mr. DeTommaso still asked Gang Liu to provide him more details, including the copies of these checks, so that he could sent those evidences to Elisa Guo's attorney, and let Elisa Guo make the decision! Again, Elisa Guo refused to give Gang Liu any credits for these checks! DeTommaso told Gang Liu that these checks shouldn't be credited for Child support, because they were over due! Mr. DeTommaso  asked Gang Liu never raise this issue again!

What Mr. DeTommaso did just simply repeated the work that already done by Gang Liu himself for many times. But DeTommaso charged Gang Liu about $30 to $60 for each email he sent to Gang Liu! Mr. DeTommaso helped Elisa Guo to fix the problems and to make these checks as garbage rather than Child support. But he charged Mr. Gang Liu for doing damage to Gang Liu! What a easy money had Mr. DeTommaso made!

On July 8th, Mr. Gang Liu lost his job. Mr. Gang Liu submitted motions to reduce the Child support amount. Judge Miller simply rejected Mr. Gang Liu's request. In a statement shown in Fig. 4.2, Judge Miller stated that "It is Defendant Gang Liu's burden to show that his present situation is a permanent change in circumstances. How could Gang Liu prove that? Judge Miller told Gang Liu that "You can. You have to show that you couldn't find a new job."

All Gang Liu's money were robbed by Elisa Guo! Elisa Guo transferred at least $270,000 from Gang Liu's joint account to Elisa Guo's personal accounts!

The house was sold by Elisa Guo with the helps by Judge Miller! Elisa Guo got $100,000 by selling Gang Liu's house!

Elisa Guo also created at least 8 cases against Gang Liu through false accusation. Gang Liu had to retain at least 10 attorneys to resolve some of these cases. Gang Liu had paid more than $50,000 to these attorneys.

Gang Liu lost jobs for over 20 months and had no income.

How could Gang Liu to pay Child support $230 weekly?

On January 16th, 2013, Gang Liu wrote an open letter to President Obama and the Lawmakers of the United States, as shown in the following link:

An Open Letter to President Obama: China initiated Unrestricted War Against the USA!

On about January 24th, Mr. DeTommaso sent an formal mail to Judge Thomas Miller regarding Gang Liu's open letter to president Obama, and complained that Gang Liu had made numerous slanderous and vile comments concerning Judge Miller and Mr. DeTommaso. At the same time, Mr. DeTommaso expressed confident to continue to be Guardian for Gang Liu!

How ridiculous this particular Guardian Ad Litem, Mr. DeTommaso is! He complained his client to the judge and still want to be a guardian for the same client! He was so confident to that he could continue to help Judge Miller to persecuted Gang Liu!

Immediately, Gang Liu sent email to Mr. DeTommaso and asked him to resign and stop his Guardian services to Gang Liu.

Fig. 10.4. On January 24th, 2013, Mr. DeTommaso sent several emails to Gang Liu to threaten Gang Liu. Gang Liu responded to Mr. DeTommaso and asked him to stop providing any of his legal services that not requested by Gang Liu.

Fig. 10.5. On January 25th, 2013, Mr. DeTommaso sent a formal mail to Judge Miller regarding the open letter sent to President Obama. Obviously, Mr. DeTommaso requested Judge Miller to retaliate Gang Liu for sending a letter to President Obama.

Fig. 10.6. Gang Liu sent several emails to Mr. DeTommaso to ask him to provide his legal service to Gang Liu. Here is one of such kind emails.

Chapter 11. Judge Miller freezes Gang Liu's bank accounts to make Gang Liu have no money to live on this world!

Judge Thomas Miller immediately responded to Gang Liu's open letter to President Obama. Obviously, Judge Miller started to retaliate and punish Gang Liu ruthlessly.

On January 25th, 2013, Gang Liu got a mail from the probation office which notified that Gang Liu's bank accounts would be placed on levy. That means, all the bank accounts of Gang Liu's would be frozen! Gang Liu's bank account with chase bank was immediately frozen! That is the only bank account Gang Liu owns. The account has roughly about $1,500 left. That is the total amount of money Gang Liu had at this time. But Judge Miller just want to rob that money and give it to Elisa Guo, who had robbed about $370,000 cash in the previous two years from Gang Liu!

Judge Miller didn't stop there! The probation office also placed levy on Gang Liu's 401K account hold by Gang Liu's ex-employer Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Holding LLC!

Fig. 11.1. This notice of levy noticed Gang Liu that his 401K account was on hold. Gang Liu's bank account with chase was placed a levy without given such early notice.

Fig. 11.2. Gang Liu immediately filed this contesting letter. However, Gang Liu's bank accounts were all frozen!

Judge Miller has assigned Dr. Franklin to check Gang Liu's mental problems, and assigned Mr. Carl and Mr. DeTommaso as Gang Liu's legal guardians. Judge Miller forced Gang Liu to pay these three professionals at a rate of $300 per hour! Gang Liu couldn't afford their services and couldn't stop these professionals to provide their services.

Judge Miller sent so many of his friends or ex-clerks to chase Gang Liu. Gang Liu was chased by a group of hungry and desperate wolves! How could Gang Liu survive? How could Gang Liu have money to pay the Child support?

Judge Miller take advantage of the probation system to set up Gang Liu, and will put Gang Liu into prison eventually! That is what Elisa Guo and the Chinese Communist objective! Judge Miller just did an errand for Elisa Guo or for the Chinese Communist!

Chapter 12. Judge Miller didn't allow Gang Liu to have a copy of some of complaints against him!

Obviously, Judge Thomas Miller is not fair while handling Gang Liu's divorce case. Judge Miller gave different rules to the defendant and the plaintiff. The Judge requested me to provide all my bank statements to Elisa Guo in 2010, while Elisa Guo refused to provide such discoveries in 30 months. Eventually, Elisa Guo provided part of the bank statements, but Judge Miller doesn't allow me to make copies, and doesn't allow me to review some of the discoveries.

The Judges at the Somerset County Superior Court just serve for Elisa Guo's benefit, some Judges behaved like servants of Elisa Guo. Normally, the Judges gave Gang Liu some of the legal documents right at the court. However, Elisa Guo always requested/ordered the Judges to take back the documents and didn't allow Gang Liu to have a copy of these files. The Judge just did whatever Elisa Guo asked them to do. Gang Liu's ex-attorneys were also refused to get a copy of the legal documents.

For example, there is a file called "Risk Assessment", in which Elisa Guo made a lot of false statements. Per Elisa Guo's requests, the Judge didn't allow Gang Liu to have a copy of that file.

I have filed complaint to the New Jersey Governor and other agencies against Judge Thomas Miller. Hope these agencies would investigate Judge Thomas Miller's capability and ethics as soon as possible.

Chapter 13. Judge Miller takes advantage of the Guardian system to persecute Gang Liu!

Although Mr. Gang Liu strongly opposed, Judge Miller still assigned Mr. Taylor and Mr. DeTommaso as Gang Liu's legal guardian.

In a statement as shown in Figure 4-2., Judge Miller stated that :

"The function of the Guardian Ad Litem is to protect the interests of his ward in respect of the litigation. That also means the right and ability to take substantive actions on behalf of the ward as the Guardian of the person's person and property."

Based on what Mr. Taylor and Mr. DeTommaso had done to Mr. Gang Liu, these two guardians have never done anything to protect Gang Liu's interests. Instead, they have done a lot to protect Elisa Guo's interests. And they have threatened Gang Liu many times. Here are what these two guardian have done to Gang Liu

(1) Sent a lot of garbage emails to Gang Liu, then charge Gang Liu $30-$60 for each of such kind emails!

(2) Talk to Gang Liu through phone, then Charge Gang Liu at the rate of $300 hourly rate!

(3) Sent to Gang Liu some out dated motions that submitted by Elisa Guo, just played as process server. But they charge Gang Liu for serving such kind out dated motions.

(4) Block Gang Liu to speak to the Judge directly, representing Gang Liu to attend court hearings. Mr. DeTommaso always does things in favor of Elisa Guo.

(5) Mr. DeTommaso helped Elisa Guo to make Gang Liu's several complaints to be invalid. For example, it is Mr. DeTommaso who told Gang Liu that the checks sent to Elisa Guo were over due, and thus were not valid to be counted for child support.

(6) Mr. DeTommaso always advised Gang Liu that "leave Elisa Guo alone. Stop harassing her!" This is not an advice! It was a threaten and false statement. Gang Liu has never harassed Elisa Guo. It was Elisa Guo who sent a lot of people to give troubles to Gang Lin. It was Elisa Guo who sent Gang Liu into prion 3 times. It was Elisa Guo who robbed Gang Liu completely! It was Gang Liu who was harassed by Elisa Guo! However, Mr. DeTommaso has never asked Elisa Guo to leave Gang Liu alone. Mr. DeTommaso has never tried to help Gang Liu get back his property and money. Mr. DeTommaso asked Gang Liu to stop fight against Elisa Guo, and let Elisa Guo to have a peace life without returning the money she robbed from Gang Liu.

(7) Mr. DeTommaso blocked Gang Liu to view some of the legal files about Gang Liu. For example, The paternity test reports, the reports submitted by Dr. Franklin would be sent to DeTommaso. Mr. Gang Liu couldn't view all these files without Judge Miller's approval.

(8) Mr. DeTommaso kept sending his invoices to Mr. Gang Liu. He might charge Gang Liu for sending his invoices to Gang Liu!

(9) Mr. DeTommaso asked Judge Miller to punish his ward Gang Liu, just because his ward sent an letter to President Obama! See Figure 10.5.

(10) Obviously, Mr. DeTommaso is just another member of the team lead by Judge Miller, which tried to help Elisa Guo to rob me and to destroy Gang Liu!

Fig. 13.1. On August 31, 2012, DeTommaso sent Gang Liu this email, along with a 33-pages file. The attached file contains many outdated motions that submitted by Elisa Guo to the court. This email shows that Mr. DeTommaso just played as a process server for Elisa Guo. But he served the files almost one year late! And he charged Gang Liu for sending this kind emails to Gang Liu!

Fig. 13.2. Honorable Judge Thomas Miller ordered Gang Liu to pay Mr. DeTommaso at $300 of hourly rate! Here is one of the invoices Gang Liu received from Mr. DeTommaso.

Chapter 14. It was a well designed plan to rob Gang Liu's house!

Judge Miller had planned to sell Gang Liu's house and let his ex-clerks and friends to make money from selling the house! The are exactly a gang of robber!

There is a Court hearing on December 19th, 2011. Judge Miller issued a court order on that date, as shown in Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2. Based on that statement, Judge Miller appointed Mr. Carl Taylor III as Gang Liu's temporary Guardian Ad Litem on December 19th, 2011. Gang Liu immediately opposed Judge Miller's decision. However, Judge Miller just asked his secretary to hand over Mr. Carl's phone number and asked Gang Liu to contact with Mr. Carl Taylor III immediately.

Gang Liu called Mr. Carl Taylor III immediately. Mr. Taylor's secretary told Gang Liu that Mr. Taylor had already been in the Court and had meeting with Judge Miller. About one hour later, Mr. Taylor came out from Judge Miller's office and spoke to Gang Liu for about 5 minutes. Gang Liu told Mr. Taylor that he would not accept Mr. Taylor as his Guardian and he refused any services from Mr. Taylor. Gang Liu also told Mr. Taylor that he had no money to pay Mr. Taylor's service, and it would be better for Mr. Taylor to provide his Guardian services to someone else. However, Mr. Taylor told Gang Liu that Judge Miller already promised to pay his Guardian service fee by selling Gang Liu's house!

Since then, Gang Liu hadn't any contact with Mr. Taylor. On January 31st, 2011, Mr. Taylor sent Gang Liu an invoice along with an formal dismissal letter, as shown in the following two figures.

Fig. 14.1. On January 31st, 2011, Mr. Carl Taylor III submitted the formal dismissal letter to the Court. That means, Mr. Taylor was appointed as Gang Liu's Temporary Guardian by Judge Miller from January 19th to 31st, 2011.

In Mr. Taylor's formal dismissal letter, Mr. Taylor clearly stated that:

"That the Defendant shall pay as and for fees and costs of this application the sum of $1,102.50 to the Law Office of Carl A. Taylor III. Same shall be paid out of the Defendant's share from the subsequent sale of the former marital residence or as otherwise ordered by the Court"

Again, Mr. Taylor confirmed that Judge Miller was really promised him to pay his Guardian service fee by selling Gang Liu's house!

The house hadn't been sold yet at that time! However, Judge Miller had already given the shares of the house to his ex-clerk and friends, and let them make easy money by robbing Mr. Gang Liu!

Fig. 14.2. The invoice and the Affidavit of Service created by Mr. Carl Taylor III for his Guardian Service to Gang Liu.

Gang Liu only met and spoke to Mr. Carl Taylor, at most 5 minutes on September 19th, 2011, and spoke to his secretary via phone about 2 minutes. However, Mr. Carl Taylor Charged Gang Liu 0.4 hours for the 2 minutes phone calls, and 1.7 hours for the 5 minutes meeting. He also charged 0.3 hours for preparing his invoice! That means, Mr. Carl Taylor III charged Gang Liu about $75 for sending a invoice to Gang Liu!

Mr. Taylor Charged Gang Liu 4.9 hours in total. However, 2.5 hours of his service was charged before December 19th, 2011, in other words, about 50% of Mr. Taylor's Guardian services had been provided before he was appointed as Gang Liu's Guardian by Thomas Miller!

What a easy money Mr. Carl Taylor made! He made this kind easy money with the helps of Judge Miller!

Is this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller organized a gang to rob the Defendants as well as the Plaintiffs of the cases he is in charge?

Of course they are!

Why did Judge Miller help Mr. Carl Taylor to make such easy money? Because Mr. Carl Taylor used to be a colleague Judge Miller's in the Somerset County Superior Court, as shown in the following figure!

Fig. 14.3. This is a snapshot from the web of Attorney Profile for Mr. Carl Taylor III. It clearly stated that Mr. Taylor used to be a clerk and thus a colleague of Judge Miller in the New Jersey Superior Court, Family Division, Somerset County!

Judge Miller robbed Gang Liu's house. However, he used the house owner's share to pay his ex-clerks first, but Judge Miller didn't allow Gang Liu to use his shares to pay Child support! By this way, Mr. Judge Miller made Gang Liu fell in arrears for Child support! Then, Judge Miller found an excuse to put Gang Liu into prison!

What is this called in English? In Chinese, it was called "Tu Cai Hai Ming!" It means to kidnap a person as hostage, then to rob the hostage completely, finally, to kill the hostage!

Even the most vile bandit would kill the hostage once they rob the hostage!

Even the Somali pirates wouldn't kill the hostages once they get the ransom!

But this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller wouldn't release the hostage even he helped the Chinese Communist to rob Gang Liu completely! He helps Elisa Guo to rob Gang Liu's house that purchased at $750K, plus $300K in cash! Then he let his ex-clerks and friends to share the loot with the Chinese military officer Elisa Guo. Finally, he refused to reduce the Child support amount and forced Gang Liu to pay overestimated Child support for over 2.5 years! Still, Judge Miller wouldn't stop there! Now he has frozen all of the bank accounts of Mr. Gang Liu's, including Gang Liu's 401K accounts, and has been withholding Gang Liu's present and future income, to make Gang Liu could no longer to live in this world! Furthermore, Judge Miller had tried all of his ways to make Gang Liu incarceration (jail) through the probation system!

Is this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, a evil! Probably! Look likely!

What does this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, really want from Mr. Gang Liu? To send him into prison? Or to kill him? Or force Gang Liu to commit suicide?

Gang Liu has nothing left now, except his life and freedom of speech!

If this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller, really wants to have Gang Liu's life or Gang Liu's freedom of speech, why not just take it! That will make things a lot easy! Gang Liu would completely surrender to this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller!

Chapter 15. Mr. Thomas Miller has started to manipulate this simple divorce case since June 2010!

Actually, Mr. Thomas has started to manipulate this simple divorce case since June 2010, three months before Gang Liu's  divorce complaint submitted to the court!

Judge Miller would definitely argue that it couldn't be true, because Judge Miller was sworn as a judge on May 5th, 2011! How could he manipulate this divorce case before he became a judge?

Judge Miller would also definitely ask Gang Liu to provide evidences for his statements, otherwise, Judge Miller would say Gang Liu was making a vile and slanderous and unsupported statements concerning Judge Miller, and appeared to be delusional and non-lucid.

Yes, it was really ridiculous that Miller started to help Elisa Guo since June 2010. However, it is true! And Gang Liu do have many evidences to support his statement! Figure 15.1 shows one of such evidences.

Fig. 15.1.On June 23rd, 2010, Mr. Thomas Miller, the Somerset County Counsel at that time, sent this letter via facsimile to Mr. Robert Kornitzer, one of the ex-attorneys of Elisa Guo's.

The above letter clearly indicates that Mr. Thomas Miller contacted with Elisa Guo's attorneys through fax, as well as through phone. Why did this particular County Counsel, Mr. Thomas Miller spoke to Elisa Guo's attorneys so often? What they talking about? Of course they had worked together to set up Gang Liu! Please check more details at the following link:

Judge Picheca Helped CCP to Persecute Chinese Dissident!

Gang Liu had a lot of such kind evidences to show that it was this particular County Counsel, then later on this particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller to coordinate/manipulate some of the powerful people, including judges, police officers, prosecutors, as well as attorneys, to set up Mr. Liu Gang!

Mr. Gang Liu would definitely submit some of the relevant evidences to the court once he believes that it is proper time to file lawsuit against this particular Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller!

Chapter 16. Gang Liu needs helps! The United States need protection against the Evil Chinese Communist!

By posting the open letter to President Obama, Mr. Gang Liu has been retaliated by Judge Thomas Miller. Now, Gang Liu has no money to support his daily expenses.

Mr. Gang Liu's life is in danger! Not only threatened by the Chinese Communist, by also threatened by some of the American powerful people who are helping Ms. Elisa Guo

Mr. Gang Liu needs helps to protect his life!

The Chinese Military Officer Elisa Guo not only threatens Gang Liu's life, but also threatens the security of the United States. Elisa Guo also trained many other people to do espionage for Chinese Government. There are hundred or thousands Chinese Military officers are hiding in the territory of the United States! These Military fighters are well trained to launch the so called "Unrestricted War" against the United States, as well as individuals, just like what Elisa Guo has done to Mr. Gang Liu.

Elisa Guo and her military comrades could easily bribe many American powerful VIPs to support them. That will definitely make American in Danger!

For those who are afraid to be harassed by Chinese Military agents, and who want to provide helps to me, please help me to distribute this article! Please let more American citizens know that the Chinese Military officers might be around you, or you might be the next victim like Gang Liu!

God bless America!

Gang Liu
February 10th, 2013


  1. Replies
    1. In instances in which someone believes that a judge acted improperly, a complaint may be made to the Supreme Court's Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct. The committee, composed of private citizens who are appointed by the Supreme Court, reviews allegations of judicial misconduct. The committee deals with questions of conduct only and not with the correctness of judicial decisions, which are matters for appeal. Depending on the Advisory Committee's findings and upon its own review of a complaint, the Supreme Court may sanction a judge. Sanctions range from reprimand, censure, and suspension without pay, to removal from judicial office.
      The Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct may be reached at (609) 292-2552. Correspondence, including complaints, should be addressed to the Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct, CN-037, Trenton, NJ 08625.

    2. Thank you for your nice suggestions. Actually, I already submit complaints agaist Judge Thomas Miller to the several agencies, including the Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct of New Jersey. I also notified Thomas Miller about my complaints. However, Thomas Miller started to retaliate me. On Jan. 23rd, 2013, my 401k account was frozen. On Feb. 1st, my Chase bank account was frozen. I am going to write all about these and post more articles about what Thomas Miller has done to me. Anyway, thank you for all of your helps.

  2. Evil Judge. Every single thing that this creepy little Marxist scumbag did in his short 3 years in power elevated America's enemies, like this loathsome Thomas Miller, to positions where they can harm this nation. Is there no end to the damage that this odious, motherfucking piece of biological waste has done to modern western civilization?

  3. 44 Charged by U.S. in New Jersey Corruption Sweep

    A two-year corruption and international money-laundering investigation stretching from the Jersey Shore to Brooklyn to Israel and Switzerland culminated in charges against 44 people on Thursday, including three New Jersey mayors, two state assemblymen and five rabbis, the authorities said.
    44 Charged by U.S. in New Jersey Corruption Sweep

    A two-year corruption and international money-laundering investigation stretching from the Jersey Shore to Brooklyn to Israel and Switzerland culminated in charges against 44 people on Thursday, including three New Jersey mayors, two state assemblymen and five rabbis, the authorities said.

  4. 44 Charged by U.S. in New Jersey Corruption Sweep

    A two-year corruption and international money-laundering investigation stretching from the Jersey Shore to Brooklyn to Israel and Switzerland culminated in charges against 44 people on Thursday, including three New Jersey mayors, two state assemblymen and five rabbis, the authorities said.

  5. Trenton Mayor Tony Mack is arrested by FBI on corruption charge

  6. I would not say Ms. Dow's record is steller. Under the supervision of Paula Dow an investigation (or lack of investigation) into the stolen body parts was grossly mishandled, as you can read in the star ledger articles when she apologized for how this case was not handled to the familes of the victims whose loved ones were mutilated and sold under her watch in Essex County. Many families were not even notified and no investigation was ever done. She personally brought alot of pain to many families in the tri state area due to her inefficiency and lack of concern. If she handles her responsibilities to the public as a judge as she handled this case, we are all in trouble. Shame on you Gov. Christie for turning a blind eye to what happened after you were contacted over and over again as to this matter. Even though the whole department who handled this case was dis-banned in Essex County, Ms. Dow moved onto Attorney General, not even looking back and accepting responsibility.

    "There are three reasons why New Jersey is a hotbed of corruption: 1.) it has a history that is less than pure, 2.) it has more municipalities (566) and other governing bodies than your average state, and 3.) people tend to ignore what goes on in a state sandwiched between two powerful cities: New York and Philadelphia."
