Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Need an attorney to represent me vs Air China, a similar case as Dr. David Dao vs United Airline


My name is Gang Liu. I have a similar case with Dr. David Dao, and want to retain an attorney to represent me for a case against Air China.

I was used to be a Chinese student leader during 1989th Tiananmen demonstration. I was arrested and sentenced to 6 years by the Chinese communist government.

In 1996, thanks to the Clinton's administration, I escaped to the United States after I served 6 years in Chinese prison. Then I started my American dream.

I have worked as a scientist at Bell Labs, VP at Citigroup and Morgan Stanley. However, the Chinese government has never stopped to harass me. I was put on a black list for going back China.

Recently, my sister passed away. Chinese officials told me I could go back China to visit my relatives in China. So, I went back China at 5PM, June 3rd, 2017. However, I was kidnapped by Chinese police officers before I pass through the custom entry. The Chinese police officers locked me up in an office.

At about 9 p.m., June 3rd, 2017, about dozens Chinese police officers forced and drove me to an airline CA819, which would fly to Los Angeles, and I didn't have a ticket for that flight. The crew members of that flight helped the police officers to locked me up at a seat at the back of that flight. I tried my best to let other passengers to help me to report to the crew commander to free me, but no one provide any help to me. I struggled my best to get our of the flight. Then the crew members and police officers kicked me and put me to the back of the airline, where no passenger could see me. The police officers and crew members started to beat me, kick me for about 20 minutes. The leader of the police officers told me that he got orders from the top Chinese leaders, that they must make me on an airline to leave China before mid night of June 3rd. I told them I have my own flight to go back United States on June 4th, and they didn't have right to kidnap me onto any flight that I don't want to.

Several crew members requested to fasten me on a seat and they could seat me around, so that I could be sent to the United States. I struggled against being fastened on the seat. Eventually, the police officers allowed me to get off the airline. I was confiscated into an office again.

At about 11 p.m., they tried another time to put me onto another airline. On the halfway, I shouted to several western travelers: "I was American citizen, I was kidnapped by these Chinese police officers. Please help me to report American Ambassador". Immediately, I was kicked down by several Chinese police officers and sent back to their office rooms.

At about 9 a.m., June 4th, 2017, about dozens of the Chinese police officers and crew members forced me and put me onto flight CA 819, which is my return flight. My original seat was 45L, however, these crew members didn't allow me sit on my seat, the forced me to stay on the seat 59L, which is the 2nd last row, and the all passengers on the row 60 and row 58 were occupied by police officers or crew members. I tried to report the crew commander that I was kidnapped and my luggage and passport was not with me, I asked the crew members to allow me to get off the flight, so that I could get back my passport and luggage first. However, the crew members just helped the police officers to stay in the flight, and tried to cover my mouth and to avoid me to ask other passengers to help me.

At about 10 a.m., June 4th, 2017 (Eastern time), I arrived at Newark airport. I immediately called 911 to report that I was kidnapped by Chinese police officers. Two American Custom Police officers came to the flight and help me to check out.

I believe that I was kidnapped by the crew members of Air China onto their flight. This should be a case stronger than Dr. David Dao's case against United Airline. I am wondering if you can help me to find attorneys from your law firm to represent me for my case against Air China.

Best Regards,
Gang Liu

Email: gang.liu.1989@gmail.com

June 6th, 2017

The following pictures shows some crew members of CA819, who have helped the Chinese police officers to kidnap me and fix me on the CA819.

A passenger on CA819.

A passenger whom I have asked for help.

These two crew members of CA819 have helped the police officers to kidnap me and watched me all the way from Beijing to Newark Airport.

Ms. Chen Yidan (陈一丹),a crew member of CA819.

(FULL VIDEO) Asian American Passenger Got Violently Dragged off UA3411

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