Thursday, March 21, 2013

How Chinese Spies Honey Trap Western Big Guys?

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How Chinese Spies Honey Trap Western Big Guys? Here are 5 examples.

1. Benjamin Pierce Bishop, 59-Year-Old Ex-Army Officer, Spied For 27-Year-Old Chinese Lover.

2. Weng Fan married with Chen-Ning Franklin Yang, the age gap is 54!

3. Ms. Wendi Deng married with Mr. Rupert Murdoch with an age gap of 37 years!

4. Bob Dechert, a member of Canadian Parliament, got flirtatious emails from Shi Rong, A Chinese female reporter.

5. Ms. Yinghua Guo honey trapped Mr. Robert Bernstein with an age gap of 50 years!
1. Benjamin Pierce Bishop, 59-Year-Old Ex-Army Officer, Spied For 27-Year-Old Chinese Lover

Ryan J. Reilly posted an article as shown at the following link:

Benjamin Pierce Bishop, 59-Year-Old Ex-Army Officer, Spied For 27-Year-Old Chinese Lover, U.S. Charges

It tells the love story and turned out to be a honey trap story between a 59-year-old Ex-Army officer and a 27-Year-Old Chinese lady. Many people was wondering how a man could date with a girl who could his daughter. Here are some comments left for this article:

mustlovecats 07:07 AM on 03/20/2013
He put us in harms way for sex with someone old enough to be his child? He could have bought that on the corner. Why was it so easy for him to do this? OMG

marme2011 02:22 AM on 03/20/2013
A maximum of 20 years for treason?? 20 years for betraying his country and putting American citizens at risk?? And for what....a piece of If found guilty, he should be shot!
metsfan61989  07:51 PM on 03/19/2013   
Haha dummy meets a 27 year old thats intriguingly interested in him as a 59 year old at a International defense conference...haha dummy.

59-year-old-man and a 27-year-old girl, with 32 years age gaps. How can they deal love with security information? That is not worth of doting that! That is not a fair deal!

TOO SIMPLE, SOMETIMES NAIVE! That is what the Chinese President Jiang Zemin frequently told American at his press release conference.

Many American are so suprized at the 32 years age gap. However, most of Chinese would tell more and more stories with even bigger gaps. Here are 4 such kind examples that familiar to most Chinese.

2. Weng Fan married with Chen-Ning Franklin Yang, the age gap is 54!

In 2004, Weng Fan, a 28-Years-Old girl married with Chen-Ning Franklin Yang, an 82-year-old man. The age gap is 54 years! Since then, Chen-Ning Franklin Yang moved back China and lived in the Campus of Qinghua University with Weng Fan. Actually, Chen-Ning Franklin Yang became an ornament of the Communist Party.

Ms. Weng Fan and Mr. Chen-Ning Franklin Yang married in 2004. Their age gap is 54 years.

He was 82 years old when he married with her. It was obvious that their love fare could only be done with hand by hand.

3. Ms. Wendi Deng married with Mr. Rupert Murdoch with an age gap of 37 years!

File:Rupert Murdoch Wendi Murdoch 2011 Shankbone.JPG

Ms. Wendi Deng married with Mr. Rupert Murdoch in 1999. Their age gap is 37 years.

Wendi Deng was in New York in 2010.

How could this 70-Years old man make love with a 33-years old Chinese lady? And they could have two daughters! One daughter was born on November 19th, 2001, the other one was born on July 17th, 2003, while Mr. Rupert Murdoch was 72 years old! With the help of the Chinese Military agency, everything is possible!

4. Bob Dechert, a member of Canadian Parliament, got flirtatious emails from Shi Rong, A Chinese female reporter

Bob Dechert, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Member of Parliament, and Shi Rong, a reporter of the Chinese News Agency, possibly a Chinese Security Agent.

Bob Dechert, a member of Canadian Parliament, was an example who was threatened by the Chinese security agents Ms. Shi Rong. Just like Elisa Guo, Ms. Shi Rong is also a Chinese security agent. Shi Rong worked as a reporter for the Chinese Xinhua News Agency. Shi Rong and Bob Dechert sent some flirtatious mails to each other. Then, Shi Rong threatened Bob Dechert to work with the Chinese government. Once Bob Dechert refused, Ms. Shi Rong made some flirtatious mails that she received from Bob Dechert be public. That could result the end of Bob Dechert's political career.

That is the normal end of the Chinese trap: to cooperate, or to die!

Please check the following link for public reports about Mr. Bob Dechert:
Xinhua Reporter Shi Rong Wanted Divorce for Canadian MP, Email Alleges

Bob Dechert and Shi Rong: Affairs of the Heart or Affairs of the State?

5. Ms. Yinghua Guo honey trapped Mr. Robert Bernstein with an age gap of 50 years!

Ms. Yinghua Guo is an active Chinese military officer of the most notorious Unit 61398, which was responsible for most of the Cyber-Attacks against the US firms. In 2009, Yinghua Guo honey trapped Mr. Robert Bernstein, the founder of Human Rights Watch. Their age gap is 50 years.

Robert Bernstein was Salivating when he met with Yinghua Guo on September 18th, 2009, in New York.

Yinghua Guo was well trained with Martial arts as well as skills with honey potter.

Some of the emails between Robert Bernstein and Yinghua Guo. It shows that Robert Bernstein was so anxious or yearn for Yinghua Guo.

This might be the first email that Yinghua Guo sent to Robert Berstein. It shows how Yinghua Guo asked Bernstein to provide sensitive information.

On September 23rd, 2009, when Yinghua Guo went to Robert Bernstein's office the first time, Yinghua Guo asked Bernstein to introduce her to meet with Mr. Charlie Munger, Mr. Warren Buffet, and Mr. Bill Gates. One year later, these 3 big guys visited China together. It might be Yinghua Guo and the Chinese military agency arranged these 3 big guys to visit China.

Please check the following links for more details:

Chinese spy Elisa and ChinaSoft Initiated Cyber-Attacks against Morgan Stanley and Citigroup!

Judge Thomas Miller Helps CCP to persecute Chinese Dissident!


The most sophisticated and powerful weapons for the Chinese Army are Cyber-Attacks and the honey-potters. And the most vigorous fighters for the Chinese People's Liberation Army are young ladies with sexual skills! With these two weapons, the Chinese PLA is unbeatable and could win all the time.

MARCH 20TH, 2013

Ryan J. Reilly

Benjamin Pierce Bishop, 59-Year-Old Ex-Army Officer, Spied For 27-Year-Old Chinese Lover, U.S. Charges

Video, Benjamin Bishop, Benjamin Pierce Bishop, Justice Department, Ryan J. Reilly on Justice, Classified Information, Contractor China Spying, Justice Department, Military Contractor China, Military Contractor Spy, Politics News.

The U.S. Navy Aegis cruiser USS Lake Erie tests an Aegis missle near the Hawaii island of Kauai in 2001. Defense contractor Benjamin Pierce Bishop, 59, has been charged with giving military secrets to a 27-year-old Chinese woman he had been romancing.

WASHINGTON -- A 59-year-old former Army officer working as a defense contractor in Hawaii made his first court appearance Monday on charges of communicating classified information to a 27-year-old Chinese student he had been romancing, federal authorities said.

Benjamin Pierce Bishop, a civilian employee of a defense contractor based at U.S. Pacific Command in Hawaii, was arrested without incident on Friday and appeared in federal court on Monday, federal authorities said.

Bishop, who has held a top secret security clearance since July 2002, met the China resident, visiting the United States on a student visa, at a conference in Hawaii involving international military defense issues, according to the Justice Department. An FBI agent wrote in an affidavit that the unnamed student "may have been at the conference in order to target individuals such as Bishop who work with and have access to U.S. classified information."

Their romantic relationship began in June 2011, with Bishop providing classified information to the woman several times and storing classified documents at his home that he wasn't authorized to remove from work, the Justice Department said. At one point, when he traveled to the U.K. to visit the woman, Bishop tried to hide her identify on a request to leave for travel form "by slightly changing her given name to a masculine form of the same name and by adding a letter to the surname," according to an FBI agent's affidavit.

Bishop provided the woman with information relating to nuclear weapons, including intelligence on how the U.S. detects low- and medium-range ballistic missiles and information on early-warning radar systems, according to the government. He faces a maximum potential sentence of 20 years in prison if convicted.


  1. it is very true, every Southern Chinese woman is a potential Chinese spy (Northern Chinese women do not tend to marry white men as spies as Southerners do); there are many universities in China training spies. Chinese spies are everywhere in this world.

  2. There was a book written by a Chinese spy about her marriage with a white man decades ago, you should do some reaserch and get that book.

    1. Please, would anyone be able to tell me which book this is?

  3. Three Korean diplomats allegedly had an affair with a Chinese woman,who obtained confidential information from them.

  4. Chinese military uses wide network of female spies


  6. Former top spy: North Korea is a not a state, it's a cult. …
