Saturday, February 9, 2013

Judge Picheca Helped CCP to Persecute Chinese Dissident!

The web address of this article:

This is a complaint file against Judge Anthony F. Picheca Jr. .

The file will be sent to Governor of New Jersey, and to:

John A. Tonelli
Executive Director
Advisory Committee on Judicial Conduct
P.O. Box 037
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0037
Chapter 1. Introduction

Gang Liu has filed complaint against Judge Thomas Miller, see the following link:
Judge Thomas Miller Helps CCP to persecute Chinese Dissident!

Judge Thomas Miller is not the only Judge who has helped the CCP to persecute Gang Liu, a well-known Chinese Dissident.

Ms. Elisa Guo is an active Chinese Military officer hiding in the United States to do espionage. Elisa Guo has first bribed Mr. Robert Bernstein, Mr. Scott Greathead, Ms. Paula Dow, and Mr. Michael Posner. Through those powerful people, Elisa Guo further bribed many American Judges, Prosecutors, as well as Police Officers to persecute Mr. Gang Liu.

This complaint will mainly concentrate on how Judge Anthony F. Picheca Jr. helped Elisa Guo to persecute Gang Liu.

On July 28th, 2009, Mr. Michael H. Posner. Nominee for Assistant Secretary of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, made the following statement before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

"My grandmother, Bella Hoffman, a Hungarian Jew, lost much of her family in the Holocaust. Many members of my father's family living in Poland also were victims of Nazi brutality."

Please check the following link for Mr. Posner's statement:

We may not know how the Evil Nazi or KGB kill Mr. Posner's Jew family members and relatives in Poland or in Hungary. But we do know that they could be killed in the Gas Chamber, Incinerator, or Concentration camp, and other killing fields.

We also know that, before those Jew victims were sent to the killing fields, they might have been diagnosed by particular Nazi or KGB doctors as "appeared to be delusional and non-lucid", and "mentally incapacitated and/or unable to understand the proceedings that have been brought against them to properly defend their actions, As a result, the Court of Nazi had determined on its own motion, to appoint a Guardian Ad Litem for" those Jewish! Then the Nazi have all their rights to rob all personal properties of those Jwes before they were completely destroyed or killed.

Please note that all the words in italics in the above paragraph are excerpted from one of the court orders issued by the Somerset County Superior Court concerning Mr. Gang Liu, a well-known Chinese dissident.

We are really sorry for those Jewish victims of Nazi or KGB brutality! Hope this kind brutality would never happen again to Jews, as well as to any other individual or nationality.

Unfortunately, this kind brutality is happening in the United States, right at the courtroom of the Somerset County Superior Court of New Jersey!

This time, the ruthless ruler is not the Nazi nor KGB, but rather than the Chinese Communist Party, along with a group of Jewish lead by Mr. Posner and his organization Human Rights First! The victim is not Jewish, but rather than Mr. Gang Liu!

Here is an abstract of the story:

Ms. Elisa Guo is an active Chinese military officer who was hiding in the United States to do espionage for the Chinese government. Mr. Gang Liu is a well-known Chinese dissident. Elisa Guo cheated Gang Liu to get a quick marriage, so that she could keep an eye on Gang Liu for the Chinese government.

Once Gang Liu found Elisa Guo's espionage activities, Elisa Guo started to destroy Gang Liu by taking advantage of the American legal system. Elisa Guo first bribed or honey trapped Mr. Robert Bernstein, who was the founding father of many human right organizations, including the "Human Rights Watch", "Human Rights First".

Mr. Bernstein has overwhelming influence to Judges, Attorneys, Police officers, as well as government officials, especially in the Jewish world. Mr. Bernstein has tried to help Elisa Guo to raise money, wire fraud, as well as money laudary.

In order to destroy Gang Liu completely, Mr. Bernstein asked his subordinates or assistants, including Mr. Greathead, Mr. Posner, Ms. Sharon Hom, to meditate/contact with Attorney Generals, Judges, and police officers in New Jersey and in New York to arrest Gang Liu and to persecute Gang Liu by taking advantage of the American legal system. Through false accusation, Gang Liu has been arrested and put into prison 3 times in the previous two years.

Mr. Thomas Miller, the Counsel of Somerset County prior to sworn as a Judge of Somerset County Superior Court on May 5th, 2011, has coordinate some of the Judges and Prosecutors as well as police officers to persecute Gang Liu.

Judge Anthony F. Picheca Jr. along with County Counsel Thomas Miller manipulated Gang Liu's divorce case before the case were filed. They asked Gang Liu's attorney Ms. Picillo to wait for weeks to file the divorce complaint, so that they helped Elisa Guo to file another case through false accusation, that case let Elisa Guo got Child support before the divorce case submitted. Had Gang Liu's Attorney filed the divorce case, the other case that Elisa Guo submitted would have been combined with the divorce case, and the Child support and custody problems would be resovled with the divorce case.

Mr. Thomas Miller latter on sworn as a Judge of Somerset County Superior Court. Immediately, Thomas Miller has started to be in charge of Gang Liu's divorce case. Judge Miller then helped Elisa Guo to rob Mr. Gang Liu completely through false accusation. Judge Miller assigned a doctor to check Gang Liu and diagnosed Gang Liu as mentally incapacitated, and then assigned a Guardian Ad Litem to Gang Liu. Gang Liu's rights of defending for himself have been completely deprived by Judge Miller. Now, Judge Miller is helping the Chinese Communist to destroy Mr. Gang Liu completely!

There are a lot of brutalities against Mr. Gang Liu committed by the above mentioned people. This complaint is mainly concentrated on how the Honorable Anthony F. Picheca Jr., and County Counsel Thomas Miller helped the Chinese Communist to persecuted Mr. Gang Liu, while the divorce complaint hadn't submitted yet.

Chapter 1. Background and Key Players

Elisa Guo vs. Gang Liu's divorce case has been handled by the Somerset County Superior Court for over 30 months. The plaintiff Elisa Guo (also named as Yinghua Guo) is an active Chinese military officer, while the Defendant Gang Liu is a well-known Chinese dissident. Elisa Guo was sent by the Chinese government to do espionage for the interests of the Chinese government and against the interests of the United States.

In 2007, Elisa Guo approached and cheated Gang Liu to get marriage.

Fig. 1.1. On December 21st, Mr. Elisa Guo and Mr. Gang Liu certified marriage at the City Hall of New York City.

In 2009, Gang Liu happened found that Elisa Guo was a Chinese military officer and some of her espionage activities for the Chinese government. Then Elisa Guo tried many ways to destroy Gang Liu by taking advantage of the American legal system. Elisa Guo applied honey traps to bribe some of the American powerful politicians as well as VIPs in other fields, including but not limited to the following people:

Mr. Robert Bernstein, the founder of Human Rights Watch;

Mr. Michael Posner, the Assistant Secretary of Hillary Clinton;

Mr. Scott Greathead, the founder of Human Rights First, and the ex-First Assistant of Attorney General of New York State;

Ms. Paula Dow, the Attorney General of New Jersey from 2010 to 2012;

Mr. Steven Isenberg, the Executive Director of the Pen of America Center.

All the above mentioned VIPs are Jewish and/or are servants/friends of Robert Bernstein or Scott Greathead.

Fig. 1.2. This flowchart showed the network built by Elisa Guo. Through this network, Elisa Guo espionage sensitive information for the Chinese government, and try to destroy Gang Liu.

Chapter 2. Mr. Thomas Miller has started to manipulate this simple divorce case since June 2010!

Actually, Mr. Thomas Miller has started to manipulate this simple divorce case since June 2010, three months before Gang Liu's divorce complaint submitted to the court!

Mr. Thomas Miller would definitely argue that it couldn't be true, because he was sworn as a judge on May 5th, 2011! How could he manipulate this divorce case before he became a judge?

Mr. Thomas Miller would also definitely ask Gang Liu to provide evidences for his statements, otherwise, Mr. Thomas Miller would say Gang Liu was making a vile and slanderous and unsupported statements concerning Judge Miller, and appeared to be delusional and non-lucid.

Yes, it was really ridiculous that Miller started to help Elisa Guo since June 2010. However, it is true! And Gang Liu do have many evidences to support his statement! Figure 2.1 shows one of such evidences.

Fig. 2.1.On June 23rd, 2010, Mr. Thomas Miller, the Somerset County Counsel at that time, sent this letter via facsimile to Mr. Robert Kornitzer, one of the ex-attorneys of Elisa Guo's.

The above letter clearly indicates that Mr. Thomas Miller contacted with Elisa Guo's attorneys through fax, as well as through phone. Why did this particular County Counsel, Mr. Thomas Miller, spoke to Elisa Guo's attorneys so often? What are they talking about? Of course they had worked together to set up Gang Liu!

Gang Liu got a lot of such kind evidences to show that it was this particular County Counsel, then later as a particular Honorable Judge, Mr. Thomas Miller had coordinated/manipulated some of the powerful poeple, including judges, police officers, prosecutors, as well as attorneys, to set up Mr. Liu Gang!

Chapter 3. Mr. Thomas Miller sent some of his subordinates to interrogate/threaten Gang Liu!

In about August 2010, Gang Liu visited the Paula Dow's office several times to ask her to show the special protection order for Elisa Guo. One of her assistant asked Gang Liu to write down his questions. After reported to Paula Dow, the assistant asked Gang Liu to contact with the detective at the County Counsel's office of Somerset County.

Gang Liu immediately visited Somerset County Prosecutor's office. Detective Michael C. Schutta and another detective met with Gang Liu. Mr. Schutta told Gang Liu that it was the County Counsel of Somerset County.

Once Gang Liu met with Detective Schutta, Gang Liu tried to report Elisa Guo's espionage activities. However, Mr. Schutta didn't want to listen to Gang Liu. Instead, Detective Schutta interrogated Gang Liu and wanted to search Gang Liu. Here are the major contents of the conversation between Gang Liu and Detective Schutta.

Liu: I wanted to report to you regarding Elisa Guo's espionage activities. Elisa Guo is a Chinese Military spy who has done a lot to damage the interests of the United States.

Schutta: We already knew your problems. We couldn't resolve your problem. Elisa Guo already reported to the Attorney General's office and the Somerset County Prosecutor's office against you. We are here to investigate your activities, not Elisa Guo's.

Liu: What Elisa Guo complained against me?

Schutta: You reported to FBI regarding Elisa Guo.

Liu: Yes, I did. What I did wrong?

Schutta: You did defamatory statements against Elisa Guo. You said Elisa Guo was a Chinese Spy.

Liu: No. I didn't say Elisa Guo was a Chinese spy. Instead, I reported that Elisa Guo was a Chinese Military officer. I have evidences to support my statement. Do you want to look at the evidences?

Schutta: No. I don't want to look at any of your evidences. I was here to investigate your criminal activities, not Elisa Guo's. Tell me, why did you post your report on the web? Why did you make defamatory statement against Elisa Guo?

Liu: Then, you should tell me first which statement is defamatory statement? How can you judge my report to FBI was a defamatory statement without investigation?

Schutta: You posted Elisa Guo's confidential information on the web. That is criminal.

Liu: Do you mean that I have no rights to report to FBI? Do you mean Elisa Guo's military background and espionage activities are all confidential information?

Schutta: You have the rights to report to FBI. But you can't post it on the web.

Liu: Now, I report to you about Elisa Guo's espionage activities. Please investigate it.

Schutta: As I told you earlier, I was here to investigate your criminal activities, not Elisa Guo's.

Liu: Then, Please tell me, whom should I report to regarding Elisa Guo's espionage activities?

Schutta: You should go to the White House and talk to President Obama. President Obama is the only person who can resolve your problems.

Liu: Then, what is your responsibility?

Schutta: My responsibility is to do whatever my boss asked me to do. My boss asked me to investigate your criminal activities, not investigate your report.

Liu: What do you want to investigate? What information you need to know from me?

Schutta: First, we need to know where did you write your report? Where did you post your article? From home or office?

Liu: I posted my report on the web from home.

Schutta: Which computer did you used to post your article? A laptop or a desktop?

Liu: Why did you ask such kind question?

Schutta: We need to search your computers.

Liu: Can you please show me your warrant for searching my computers?

Schutta: We will have.

Liu: Can you please show me your warrant for interrogating me?

Schutta: You can go to the Attorney General's office or the Prosecutor's Office to ask for a warrant. They asked me to talk to you.

Liu: Can you please let me know a name whom I should talk to?

Schutta: You can talk to Thomas Miller. He is my boss.

Liu: Then, I don't want to talk to you anymore.

Schutta: You need to bring you laptop and desktop to my office for searching.

Liu: You can come to my house to do the search. Please remember to bring your valid warrant for the search. Also, please explain to me why do you want to search my computer, and what I did wrong?

Schutta: The only thing you did wrong is that you exposed confidential information regarding Elisa Guo. You can't post your report to FBI on the web.

Liu: Then, it was Elisa Guo's responsibility to file civil lawsuit against me. And it was Elisa Guo's responsibility to show the evidences to the Court. It is none of your business to investigate a civil lawsuit. Why did you pose your nose into a civil complaint? Who asked you to investigate a civil complaint? Did Elisa Guo pay you for collecting such kind evidences?

Schutta: You need to talk to Thomas Miller. He is my boss. I just tried to do whatever he asked me to do.

Liu: Then, there is no need for me to waste my time with you.

At the end of the conversation, Mr. Schutta threatened Gang Liu again for posting articles regarding Elisa Guo's military background. He also gave me his business card and asked Gang Liu to go to the White House to talk to President Obama regarding Chinese spy problem. Obviously, Mr. Schutta tried to fool Gang Liu.

Fig. 3.1. Gang Liu got this business card during the meeting with Detective Schutta. Mr. Schutta advised Gang Liu to visit White House and President Obama.

Fig. 3.2. This is the reverse side of the Detective Schutta's business card, on which Detective Schutta advised Gang Liu to write down several government agencies that Gang Liu should talk to.

Chapter 4. Mr. Miller and Judge Picheca tried to delay Gang Liu's attorney to file divorce complaint, so that to buy time for Elisa Guo!

In August 2010, Gang Liu retained Ms. Natalee Picillo as his matrimonial attorney. Gang Liu asked Ms. Picillo to submit the divorce paper as soon as possible.

In August 2010, Ms. Natalee Picillo tried to file the divorce complaint to the Somerset County Superior Court. However, Ms. Natalee Picillo later told Gang Liu that the Court asked Ms. Natalee Picillo to wait for a few weeks to submit the divorce complaint. It was County Counsel Mr. Thomas Miller and Judge Picheca asked Ms. Natalee Picillo to wait for few weeks to submit Gang Liu's divorce complaint, and let Elisa Guo submit the divorce complaint first!

Gang Liu requested Ms. Natalee Picillo to submit the divorce complaint immediately.

On about September 2nd, 2010, Ms. Picillo submitted the divorce file to the Somerset County Superior Court. However, Ms. Picillo told Gang Liu that Judge Anthony F. Picheca Jr. and County Counsel Mr. Thomas Miller asked her to wait for a few days and let Elisa Guo submit the divorce paper first, thus could let Elisa Guo be the Plaintiff and let Gang Liu be the Defendant!

Fig. 4.1. On September 2nd, 2010, Ms. Natalee Picillo submitted the divorce file along with this file to the Somerset County Superior Court. This file clearly indicated that Gang Liu was the Plaintiff, while Elisa Guo was the Defendant.

Why did County Counsel Mr. Thomas Miller and Judge Anthony F. Picheca Jr. kept discussing with Gang Liu's attorney Ms. Natalee Picillo regarding Gang Liu's divorce complaint? Do the County Counsel and the Judge have the right or responsibility to advise Gang Liu's attorney regarding what time is proper for submitting a divorce complaint?

No, definitely not!

Then, why those 3 people,  County Counsel Mr. Thomas Miller and Judge Anthony F. Picheca Jr. and Ms. Natalee Picillo tried their best to postpone Gang Liu's divorce complaint to be submitted to the Court? In fact, those three people, the County Counsel, the Judge, and the Attorney of Gang Liu,  had worked together to set up Gang Liu! They were trying to buy time for Elisa Guo, so that to make Elisa Guo as the plaintiff, also help Elisa Guo to file another lawsuit against Gang
Liu to have Gang Liu pay the Child support before the divorce complaint was filed!

Chapter 5. County Counsel Thomas Miller and Judge Picheca Elisa Guo to false accuse Gang Liu!

Since November 6, 2009, Elisa Guo has false accused Gang Liu many times, and made Gang Liu arrested several times. Please check the following link for more details about some of those cases:

An Open Letter to President Obama: China initiated Unrestricted War Against the USA!

On June 24th, 2010, both Elisa Guo and Gang Liu signed a consent order, in which both parties agreed to drop all the complaints against each other and would resolve all the issues through the divorce procedure. However, Elisa Guo violated the consent order. She didn't cooperate with the municipal court to drop the complaint. Instead, Elisa Guo filed another similar lawsuit against Gang Liu. The complaint is as shown as in the following picture. 

Fig. 5.1. Complaint that was filed on August 12th, 2010, by Elisa Guo against Gang Liu. This complaint is almost the same as the Complaint that was filed on June 2nd, 2010, by Elisa Guo, which was dropped on June 24th, 2010 through a consent order. Elisa Guo filed it again!

Actually, in early July 2010, both Elisa Guo and Gang Liu had retained matrimonial attorneys and both were ready to file divorce complaints. All the disputes mentioned in Elisa Guo's complaint could be resolved or merged into the matrimonial case. Why Elisa Guo kept false accuse Gang Liu while both parties were ready to file divorce complaint?

In fact, it was County Counsel Thomas Miller who manipulated all these cases!

5.2. Fig. On August 20th, 2010, NYPD police officer Nauarro Joanquin and two other NYPD police officers came to Gang Liu's office in Morgan Stanley building located at 1585 Broadway, New York, to serve the civil complaint to Gang Liu!

While Officer Nauarro Joanquin was serving the civil complaint to Gang Liu, they had the following conversations.

Nauarro: Mr. Liu, we were asked to serve you this civil complaint. We are sorry for doing this. We came here quietly. None of your colleagues would know we are here to serve you this complaint. It was not a criminal case. Don't worry about it. It wouldn't bother your job status. Morgan Stanley wouldn't fire you.

Liu: This is just a civil complaint. You police officers have no responsibility to serve a civil complaint.

Nauarro: I know that. But we are asked to serve this complaint to you.

Liu: Who asked you to do that?

Nauarro: The prosecutor's office of the Somerset County asked us to serve this civil complaint to you.

Liu: Then, would you please serve my counter-complaint to Elisa Guo?

Nauarro: No.

Liu: Why not? Do you just serve civil complaint for Chinese women, but not for Chinese men?

Nauarro: It up to my boss. If my boss asked me to do it, I would do it.

Gang Liu signed on the above Return of Service paper at 10:45 A.M., August 20th, 2010. Immediately, Gang Liu went to the Somerset County Superior Court to file the Counter-complaint, as shown in the following picture.

Fig. 5.3. On August 20th, 2010, Gang Liu filed counter-complaint to the Somerset County Superior Court.

While filing the counter-complaint, Gang Liu also complained that Elisa Guo was a Chinese Military officer and was sent by the Chinese government to persecute Gang Liu and to do espionage for the Chinese government. However, the Court clerk refused to write down all the complains regarding Elisa Guo's espionage activities. The Court clerk explained to Gang Liu that the superior court has no authority to handle spy related complaints.

On August 23rd, 2010, Gang Liu went to the 17th Precinct of NYPD and asked the police officers to serve the counter-complaint to Elisa Guo. However, the police officers told Gang Liu that the police officers would never serve civil complaint! However, it was the police officers from the same Precinct of NYPD just served the same civil complaint for Elisa Guo! Now, they claimed they would never serve the civil complaint for anyone else, except Elisa Guo! They serve for the Chinese military officer Elisa Guo, but wouldn't serve for Gang Liu, an American citizen! It sounds like the 17th Precinct of NYPD were a branch of the Chinese Communist!

On August 24th, both Elisa Guo and Gang Liu showed up at the Somerset County Superior Court for a scheduled Court hearing. It was Judge Picheca who was handling on this case. Elisa Guo was served with the Counter-complaint right at the Court hearing. Elisa Guo asked more time to prepare the Court hearing. Judge Picheca rescheduled the Court hearing to September 8th, 2010.

Right after the Court hearing on September 3rd, 2010, Gang Liu asked his attorney Ms. Picillo to submit the divorce complaint to the court immediately. Ms. Picillo submitted the divorce complaint on September 2nd, 2010, as shown in Figure 4.1.  However, Judge Picheca and County Counsel Thomas Miller asked Ms. Picillo to wait for more days to submit the divorce complaint. Ms. Picillo took back the divorce complaint. Gang Liu was really wondering why Ms. Picillo always discuss with the County Counsel and the Judge about submitting a divorce complaint. It was definitely a proper procedure! Ms. Picillo could have submitted the divorce complaint without the approval of the County Counsel Thomas Miller nor Judge Picheca! Obviously, Ms. Picillo had been working with the Judge and the County Counsel to serve for the benefit of Elisa Guo, and against her client Gang Liu!

Chapter 6. Before the Court hearing, Judge Picheca already told Gang Liu's Attorney that Gang Liu would lose the case anyway!  

On September 8th, 2010, both Elisa Guo and Gang Liu showed up at the Somerset County Superior Court as scheduled. Elisa Guo had retained Mr. Allen P Comba as her matrimonial attorney and represent her for this case. Mr. Allen P Comba tried his best to persuade Elisa Guo to drop her complaint and to have everything be resolved within the matrimonial case which would be submitted soon. However, Elisa Guo refused Mr. Allen P Comba's proposal. Elisa Guo also refused Mr. Allen P Comba to represent her for this civil complaint.

Right before the Court hearing started, Gang Liu had a short conversation with his attorney Ms. Picillo as the following.

Picillo: You would definitely lose this case.

Liu: Why?

Picillo: Because I know Judge Picheca. He already told me you would lose it.

Liu: How could he say that before the court hearings?

Picillo: Maybe not. We will see. Please do not say anything during the Court hearing unless I advise you to do so.

Liu: I would follow your advice. However, you need to tell the Judge that Elisa Guo is an active Chinese military officer and she was sent by the Chinese government to persecute me and to set me up. Also, please tell the Judge that Elisa Guo has done a lot of espionage activities for the Chinese government.

Picillo: No. I will not say that. You don't have evidences.

Liu: I already gave you the evidences, the ID card that Elisa Guo used in a Chinese Military school. That ID card is one of the evidences that can prove Elisa Guo was graduated from Chinese Military school and thus must be a military officer and a member of the Chinese Communist Party.

Picillo: That is not enough! Furthermore, that is not related to this case.

Liu: Of course it is related to this case. Everything is because of that! Because Elisa Guo is a Chinese military officer, and I happened found that, then Elisa Guo tried to false accuse me and to destroy me through the American legal system, or more precisely, through the American illegal system. This case is just another such kind false accusation.

Picillo: We don't have much time to discuss about that strategy. The court hearing is starting now. Please remember to keep quiet during the court hearing. Let me defense for you. However, you will lose this case anyway.

From the above conversation, we can easily know that Ms. Picillo already spoke to Judge Picheca about this case, and she has been told the final results before the court hearing. Judge Picheca has been made his final judgement before the court hearing! Ms. Picillo was showing up at the court to help Judge Picheca to go through all the necessary illegal procedures and to help Elisa Guo to win this case, but not to help her client to win the case!

Chapter 7. Court Hearing and Debate about Elisa Guo's Cmplaint

At about 10 a.m., August 8th, 2010, the court hearing was started. Judge Picheca requested to hear Elisa Guo's complaint.

Elisa Guo's complaint basically complained the following items:

1. At about 7 P.M. to 8:30 P.M., July 7th, 2010, Gang Liu followed Elisa Guo to Elisa's home located at Queens Blvd, Forest Hills. Elisa Guo was so scared to rush into her home, and she used some of her furniture to block door of her home to prevent Gang Liu to enter her home. Gang Liu was in a pink shirt at that time.

2. At about 8:30 P.M., July 7th, 2010, Gang Liu sent a messenger, Ms. Fu, to Elisa Guo's home to give her a document and to threaten her.

3. On November 6th, Gang Liu slapped Elisa Guo on her face.

4. On July 16th, 2010, Gang Liu threatened Elisa Guo over phone to kill her with or without his hands.

5. On June 10th, Gang Liu posted Elisa Guo's personal information without Elisa Guo's permission.

6. In 2009, Gang Liu hit Elisa Guo in shoulder with GPS machine while Gang Liu was driving.

7. From September 2009 to March 2010, Gang Liu forced Elisa Guo to have sex on 5 occasions.

8. In October 2009, Gang Liu poured boiling water on Elisa Guo's leg and causing bruise on the leg, while Elisa Guo was holding the baby.

9. Ms. Fu was Gang Liu's girl friend. Gang Liu had sexual relationship with Ms. Fu for a long time.

10. Gang Liu was a criminal in China. He was jailed to 6 years as a criminal in China. He also offended and attacked the Chinese police officers while he was in jail.

During the court debate, all the above mentioned complaints, except item 2 and item 5 were proved as lies or unsupported accusations.

Item 1. Elisa Guo claimed Gang Liu followed her to her home. However, Elisa Guo's building had 24 hours security doormen and have surveillance camera. How could Gang Liu enter the building without the approval of the doorman? Elisa Guo couldn't provide any evidence or video tape to support her statement. This statement is definitely a lie!

Item 2. It was true that Ms. Fu went to Elisa Guo's home to serve her a court summons for Gang Liu. Judge Picheca agreed that it was legal to serve a court file to Elisa Guo. This complaint is definitely not valid for threatening to Elisa Guo.

Item 3. On November 6th, it was Elisa Guo attacked Gang Liu and Gang Liu reported to police through 911 hot line. Gang Liu didn't slap Elisa Guo. Elisa Guo's complaint is a lie.

Item 4. Gang Liu has never threatened Elisa Guo through phone, has never say a word like "kill you". Judge Picheca judged this complaint as "you say and he say". In other words, it was unsupported statement.

Item 5. It was true that Gang Liu reported to FBI about Elisa Guo's espionage activities, and Elisa Guo was a Chinese military officer. Gang Liu later on posted his report on the web. Gang Liu argued that Elisa Guo was very dangerous and wanted to kill Gang Liu, so that to protect her to be exposed. Gang Liu's life was in danger. That is why he posted Elisa Guo's personal information, especially her military background on the web. By posting this kind articles could protect Gang Liu's life, and also could protect the interests of the United States to be espionage by Chinese military spies.

Item 6. In fact, it was Elisa Guo hit Gang Liu on his face with GPS machine and broke Gang Liu's glasses and made Gang Liu's nose bleeding and the right eye reddish while Gang Liu drive the car. However, Elisa Guo complained the contrary. How could Gang Liu hit Elisa Guo while Gang Liu drove the car? Hit her on the shoulder? Which shoulder? Elisa Guo's complaint was definitely a lie.

Item 7. Elisa Guo complained that her husband forced her to have sex on 5 occasions within 7 months! In fact, Gang Liu has never had sex with Elisa Guo since Elisa Guo was found pregnant in February 2008! They lived in separate rooms. Elisa Guo's mother had asked Gang Liu to live with Elisa Guo in the same room. However, Gang Liu refused to do that. In his counter-complaint, Gang Liu told the Judge that Elisa Guo invited Mr. Jason Yan, another Chinese military officer of the Unit 61398 in Shanghai to come to live and to have sex with Elisa Guo in Gang Liu's house!  Elisa Guo's statement about the forced sex was also a lie!

Item 8. Elisa Guo complained Gang Liu to pour boiling water on her legs while she was holding the baby. But she didn't tell the Judge that what happened to the baby. Anyone could hold the baby while hurt by boiling water on the leg? This complaint was definitely a lie! But Judge Picheca couldn't see an obvious lie! Judge Picheca might be a blind or doesn't have common sense!

Item 9. Ms. Fu was one of Gang Liu's friend. They have never any sexual relationship. Elisa Guo definitely gave false statement regarding Gang Liu and Ms. Fu's relationship.

Item 10. It was true that Gang Liu was jailed to 6 years by the Chinese Communist government for political reasons. It was political persecution and it was because Gang Liu's involvement in the pro-democracy movement in China. That is why Gang Liu was granted political asylum by the United States. Elisa Guo also used Gang Liu's experiences in the Chinese prison as affidavit to apply political asylum for her mother. Gang Liu submitted the following documents to show that Gang Liu was not a criminal even though he was jailed for 6 years by the Chinese Communist. 

Fig. 7.1. The above file was submitted to the Court as an exhibit to prove Gang Liu was not a criminal even though he was jailed for 6 years by the Chinese Communist.

Fig. 7.2. The Political Asylum Application submitted by Elisa Guo for her mother Liu Zhongyu in May 2010.

Figure 7.2. shows part of the Political Asylum Application submitted by Elisa Guo for her mother Liu Zhongyu in May 2010. In this application form, you can count how many times Elisa Guo mentioned Gang Liu's name. None of them claimed Gang Liu was a criminal. Instead, Elisa Guo claimed Gang Liu was a hero for his important roles in the pro-democracy movement in China. Elisa Guo's mother was scheduled for an interview with the USCIS on June 12th, 2010. However, on the same date, Elisa Guo had to show up at the Somerset County Superior Court for a court hearing for her complaint against Gang Liu. Elisa Guo complained Gang Liu as a criminal for the same activities that Elisa Guo also claimed Gang Liu was a hero to the USCIS! Which is true? Which is false? One of them must be a false. Anyway, Elisa Guo must be a liar!

Chapter 8. Court Hearing and Debates about Gang Liu's Counter-complaint

The Court hearing was continued on September 9th, 2010. This time discuss Gang Liu's counter complaint. Ms. Picillo represented Gang Liu during the hearing. Ms. Picillo mainly defensed Gang Liu based on the Consent Order issued by the same court on June 24th, 2010.

Fig. 8.1. Page 1-2 of the Consent order signed on June 24th, 2010.

Fig. 8.2. Page 3-4 of the Consent order signed on June 24th, 2010.

Ms. Picillo started to defense for Gang Liu with cross interrogation. Ms. first submitted the file listed in Fig. 7.2. to Judge Picheca as an Exhibit. Then stated the following interrogation.

Picillo: Ms. Guo, can you please recognize the man on the Newspaper of New York Times and Boston Globe? Who is this man?

Guo: It is Gang Liu.

Picillo: These newspapers widely covered my client's story while he escaped to the United States. It was clearly stated that my client just served his 6 years sentence in Chinese prison. Do you think any readers would think my client Gang Liu was a criminal?

Guo has no response to Picillo's questions.

Picillo: Why did you claim my client was a criminal due to his pro-democracy activities in China?

Guo has no response to Picillo's questions.

Picillo: Your Honor, Ms. Guo complained my client was a criminal is a false statement.

Ms. Picillo submitted the consent order to the Judge as another exhibit, then let Elisa Guo viewed the consent order.

Picillo: Ms. Guo, do you recognize this document? Can you recognize the signature of yours on this document? Can You please tell the court that on which date you signed this consent order?

Guo: I signed it on June 24th, 2010.

Picillo: Look at item 3 in the consent order. It states that Ms. Guo and the child shall move to the apartment located at 104-60 Queens Blvd, Apartment 11X, Forest Hills, New York 11375. Ms. Guo, can you please tell the me who rented that apartment.

Guo: It was I rented that apartment. However, at the time when we signed the lease, Gang Liu signed on the lease when I was in the bathroom.

Picillo: Then, it was Gang Liu signed on the lease and paid the deposit, your name was not on the lease. Am I correct?

Guo: Correct.

Picillo: Do you know the date when Gang Liu moved into that apartment?

Guo: On June 1st, 2010.

Picillo: Do you know the date when you moved into that apartment?

Guo: On June 30th, 2010.

Picillo: My client told me that you tried to move into that apartment on June 6th, 2010! Correct or not?

Guo: I didn't move into that apartment on June 6th.

Picillo: You did try to move into that apartment on June 6th, right?

Guo didn't response.

Picillo: The court document showed that you applied protection order against Gang Liu on June 4th, 2010. In that protection order strictly restrained Gang Liu to contact with you, including no phone, email, and face to face contatct. Why did you tried to move into Gang Liu's apartment while you held a protection order against Gang Liu? What shall you do once you moved into Gang Liu's apartment? Send him to prison?

Guo: Objection! I didn't move to that apartment on June 6th.


Chapter 9. Judge Picheca Perverted the Law Judgement by Converting a Civil Case to a Criminal Case!

Fig. 6.2. On about September 9th, Ms. Picillo submitted the above counter complaint. However, Elisa Guo's attorney hadn't submitted divorce paper at that time. There were no any Plaintiffs yet, but Ms. Picillo made me as the Defendant! There was no any divorce complaint yet, but Ms. Picillo submitted this Counter complaint to the court.

Obviously, Ms. Picillo worked with Judge Anthony F. Picheca to set Gang Liu up! They manipulated the case to made me as defendant! And Judge Anthony F. Picheca had already decided that Elisa Guo must be the plaintiff before Elisa Guo submit the divorce paper to the court!

Chapter 7. The divorce case couldn't be resolved within 30 months, because Elisa Guo refused to provide requested documents!

In early September 2010, both Elisa Guo and Gang Liu submitted the divorce paper along with discovery requests and interrogatory questions to the Somerset County Superior Court. This is a simple divorce case. It could have been easily resolved as long as both parties submitted the discovery files, so that the all properties could be equitably distributed between the two parties. Gang Liu provided all the discovery files, including all bank statements for the previous 6 years. However, Elisa Guo refused to provide any requested documents requested by Gang Liu through his attorneys.

Fig. 7.1. This is one of the files submitted to the court, which requested Elisa Guo to provide the discovery files with in 30 days. However, Elisa Guo has never provided any of the requested files in 30 months!

Ms. Picillo has submitted the interrogatory questions and requested for discovery documents to the court. Elisa Guo refused to answer any of the questions and refused to provide any of the requested documents. Instead, Elisa Guo claimed the requested documents and interrogatory questions were harassment to her, and she asked the court to punish Gang Liu and Ms. Picillo for requesting such kind discovery files.

Mr. Allen Comba, Elisa Guo's attorney, responded to Ms. Picillo by sending a mail, which clearly said that Elisa Guo was trying to buy time, so that she could hide and transfer assets. Elisa Guo immediately fired Mr. Allen Comba.

Elisa Guo refused to submit requested documents for over 30 months. However, Judge Thomas Miller had never punished Elisa Guo. Instead, Judge Miller continuously punished Gang Liu, who had always cooperate with the court to provide all the requested discovery files.

Chapter 15. Gang Liu needs helps! The United States need protection against the Evil Chinese Communist!

By posting the open letter to President Obama, Mr. Gang Liu has been retaliated by Judge Thomas Miller. Now, Gang Liu has no money to support his daily expenses.

Mr. Gang Liu's life is in danger! Not only threatened by the Chinese Communist, by also threatened by some of the American powerful people who are helping Ms. Elisa Guo

Mr. Gang Liu needs helps to protect his life!

The Chinese Military Officer Elisa Guo not only threatens Gang Liu's life, but also threatens the security of the United States. Elisa Guo also trained many other people to do espionage for Chinese Government. There are hundred or thousands Chinese Military officers are hiding in the territory of the United States! These Military fighters are well trained to launch the so called "Unrestricted War" against the United States, as well as individuals, just like what Elisa Guo has done to Mr. Gang Liu.

Elisa Guo and her military comrades could easily bribe many American powerful VIPs to support them. That will definitely make American in Danger!

For those who are afraid to be harassed by Chinese Military agents, and who want to provide helps to me, please help me to distribute this article! Please let more American citizens know that the Chinese Military officers might be around you, or you might be the next victim like Gang Liu!

God bless America!


  1. This man has no integrity whatsoever Keeping his politician buddies and their rich builder buddy happy is far more important to him than seeing the law upheld. Threw out a settlement that was in my favor then tried to enforce the same settlement because of political pressure but only after unilaterally rewriting it to keep his political cronies and their rich builder buddy happy. Then tried to shove it down my throat. Didn't work. A real political w *.

  2. Makes tentative decisions in family court favoring mothers over fathers; total disrespect of fathers, especially if pro se; fails to read the fathers and pro se's papers; sides with mothers and attorneys; severe gender bias against men in general, fathers in particular; not interested in the best interest of children as it relates to their relationships to their fathers.

  3. Judge Picheca endangers the lives of children, conceals evidence of abuse and neglect of children from the court, blocks witness testimony, does not enforce subpoenas and is not scrupulous, diligent or precise. He does not apply the law, but rather creates his own laws as he goes along. He abuses his power. He does not address emergent matters, but neglects them. He does not care about people, only about his political aspirations. He is biased and a snob. If you are not a female attorney, he hasn't much use for you! He has NO COMPASSION for children. He'll collect your tax money for his pay and leave you wait for an order for months and months because he only cares about himself. He should just resign and build motorcycles, grow his hair and wear an earring like he did when he was a municipal court judge!

  4. Judge Anthony F. Picheca totally endangered my little granddaughter's life by ignoring the 1994 Drunk Driving Child Protection Act, ignoring a letter from M.A.D.D. National Specialist, Heather Estudillo, pointing out to him that he did not follow the law, by ignoring the NJSA 2C: 2-40, Child Endangerment Statute and by ignoring case law, Troxel vs Granville, in determining Grandparent Visitation, NJSA 9:2-7.1. He should be disbarred. Our whole family is destroyed because he is inept, retaliatory, corrupt, biased and has no compassion for child victims.

  5. Judge Anthony F. Picheca totally endangered my little granddaughter's life by ignoring the 1994 Drunk Driving Child Protection Act, ignoring a letter from M.A.D.D. National Specialist, Heather Estudillo, pointing out to him that he did not follow the law, by ignoring the NJSA 2C: 2-40, Child Endangerment Statute and by ignoring case law, Troxel vs Granville, in determining Grandparent Visitation, NJSA 9:2-7.1. He should be disbarred. Our whole family is destroyed because he is inept, retaliatory, corrupt, biased and has no compassion for child victims.

  6. Mothers who are trying to get custody pray you don't end up getting this idiot judge. Especially if your married and trying to move to another state to be with your husband. He granted custodial to my ex who admitted it court he put his hands on me, drive without a car seat, hit my son with a belt and evidence his GF stating he slapped her. Obviously this judge could careless and told this man hopes he changes and the reason of giving my son to my ex was because he knows family in NY and NJ but in reality it's the mother who raised the child not the family. There's thousand of military family out there away from family that are doing great. So mothers get yourself a good lawyer and hope this judge wasn't ***d nor sleeping with your ex's lawyer. He screwed me over big time and now I can never get my son back and I'm NOT bad mother

  7. If you a father or husband fighting for your rights pray you dont get him and get a really really good attorney.

  8. Judge Anthony F. Picheca too evil,super bad!

  9. My children and I had been suffering from a messy divorce. When things went wrong I asked myself if I did not do well enough and what had I done wrong. Until I saw this website, I realized there are many other people facing the similar situations. The feeling of powerlessness is eating me down day by day because my case is on the wrong judge's hand. Mr. Picheca is extremely bias, manipulating laws/evidence rule to favor his party. I am sure there are a lot more people suffering because of him. Please contact me via e mail for filing a joint ethical complaint. We have to stope him from ruining more children and single parent's life

  10. complaint Judge Anthony F. Picheca on WORLD'S MOST TRUSTED JUDGE RATING SITE ON
