Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Complaint to BAR against Michael DeTommaso, Esq. and 10 other attorneys

Dear officers of the BAR of America and the BAR of NYC,
I am writing to you to complain several attorneys.
1. Michael J. DeTommaso, Esq.
DeTommaso Law Group, LLC
73 Grove Street
Somerville, NJ 08876
I have never asked Mr. Michael DeTommaso to provide any service for me. I am a man of 52 years old and are wealthy physically as well as mentally. However, the Honorable Judge Thomas Miller ordered Mr. Michael DeTommaso to be my Guardian ad Litem. I continuously refused Mr. Michael DeTommaso to provide any service to me. I even sent him to fire him and asked him to resign. However, Mr. Michael DeTommaso continuously to provide services that I didn't asked for. He kept sending me invoices. He refused to take my phone calls, and he refused to response to my emails when I asked him to stop his services to me. He has started to be my Guardian since June 2012. Mr. Michael DeTommaso has only spoke to me once through phone! He refused to talk to me through phone.
Mr. Michael DeTommaso hasn't done anything good for me. He promised me that he could have Elisa Guo to provide the bank statements with in one month. However, he provided nothing in the past 7 months. In the contrary, Mr. Michael DeTommaso has helped Elisa Guo (A Chinese Military Officer), and Judge Thomas Miller to set me up and robbed my house. Please check the following link for more details:
Now, I ask the BAR of America and the BAR of NYC to help me. Hope you can help me to stop Mr. Michael J. DeTommasol as my Guardian ad Litem. Hope you can help me to stop Mr. Michael J. DeTommaso to provide any of his services to me! Hope you can help me to stop him to charge me on any of his services I hadn't asked for. Please note that Mr. DeTommaso would charge me for reading this email! He might also charge me when he try to sue me.
2. Mr. Daniel Serviss
75 Livingston Avenue, Roseland New Jersey

On June 24th, 2010, I and Yinghua Guo (my wife) were scheduled to have a court date at the superior Court of the Somerset County in NJ. It was a cross complaints and both of us had restraining order against each other. That case was good for me. Yinghua Guo tried to move into my apartment in New York while she already had a protection order against me. I didn't know there was a protection order against me. Once I found Yinghua Guo tried to take advantage of the protection order and tried to trap me into prison, I filed complaint against her and the
court issued a protection order against her.
On June 24th, 2010, the court was scheduled to have hearing for that case.

Robert Bernstein and Scott Greathead tried to help Yinghua Guo to resolve that case. They helped Yinghua Guo to get Mr. Robert B. Kornitzer to represent Yinghua Guo. Then, they tried to find an attorney for me.

Daniel Serviss was one of the attorneys referenced by Mr. Robert Bernstein, Mr. Scott Greatehead, and Ms. Sharon Hom to me. At that time, Robert Bernstein tried to play as the judge. He was completely cheated by Yinghua Guo.
I met Daniel Serviss on June 23rd, 2010. He asked me to pay him $8,000 so he could represent me to go to court on June 24th, 2010. I tried to meet him on June 23rd, 2010. However, when I met him, I found that he already invited Mr. Robert B. Kornitzer to his office. Daniel asked me to sign the consent order prepared by Mr. Robert B. Kornitzer. I asked Daniel to try his best to modify one word in the Consent order. He refused to do that. I pointed out that there are many errors or typos in the consent order, such as "Gang Liu would responsible for Children
of Yinghua Guo.", while I have only one child with Yinghua Guo. After 15 minutes talk with Daniel, I refused to hire him. Mr. Greathead and Ms. Hom asked him to represent me. However, Mr. Dan Serviss had met with Ms. Elisa Guo's attorney before he met me.
I hope the BAR of America could investigate Mr. Daniel Serviss' capability and ethics as an attorney.
3. Angelo Perrucci
2202 Northampton Street
Easton, PA 18042
610-438-4562 (main)
610-438-4985 (fax)
Mr. Angelo Perrucci promised me to resolve my matrimonial case if I pay him $5000. I paid him $5000. However, after he was approached by people from Human Rights First, especially John Kelleher, the attorney representing Elisa at that time, Mr. Angelo Perrucci immediately worked for Elisa Guo's benefits. I provided to him all my bank statements and showed him all the large amounts that were transferred by Elisa Guo to Elisa Guo's personal accounts. However, Mr. Perrucci tried to prove that Elisa didn't transfer any money to her personal accounts. At the court, Mr. Perrucci even worked with Mr. John Kelleher, and they told the Judge that the joint account was actually an account of Ms. Elisa Guo's, which I added my name to it. So, they told the Judge that Elisa Guo didn't transferred her own money from her own account to her other accounts. That was completely a lie. Elisa and I had only two joint accounts. I created both accounts first. Then, Elisa asked me to add her name to these two accounts, so that she could use it as evidences for her Green card application. I told Judge Miller that I could provide evidences to show who was the liar. But Judge Miller simply said he believed what Elisa Guo and the two Attorneys.
That was the attorney who represented for me but worked for the benefit of Elisa Guo! I fired him immediately right at the court! Mr. Perrucci refused to give me back my documents, including the bank statements I provided to him. He also refused to refund the $5,000 that I paid him with which he promised to resolve the matrimonial case for me.
Hope the BAR of America could help me to have Mr. Angelo Perrucci refund me $5000 and all my documents I provided to him.
4. Peter Gordon
108-18 Queens Blvd.
Forest Hills NY 11375
Mr. Peter Gordon charged me about $5000, and promised me to have the police officers who arrested me twice with faked evidences be punished. However, he cheated me and helped the police officers to put me into prison. He hadn't provided me any services as promised. He refused to refund me.
I hope the BAR of America could help me to have Mr. Peter Gordon refund me the money he charged me.
5. Laurie L. Newmark Esq.
Townsend, Tomaio & Newmark, L.L.C.
65 Madison Avenue, Suite 420
Morristown, NJ 07960
On June 23rd, 2010, as I didn't hire Daniel Serviss, I went to meet Laurie L. Newmark, another attorney in NJ. Once I explained to her my case, Ms. Newmark was very confident for my case. She told me that she could easily have Ms. Yinghua Guo out of the United States for cheating me to get marriage. I hired her and paid her $5000.
Two hours later, I got phone calls from Ms. Laurie L. Newmark. She completely changed her plan after she spoke to Ms. Sharon Hom and Mr. Robert B. Kornitzer, both were representing or helping Elisa Guo. Ms. Laurie L. Newmark asked me to sign the consent order prepared by Mr. Robert B. Kornitzer. I asked her to modify the consent order. She made some changes. But all the changes she made are more favorable to Yinghua Guo,
and bad to me. For example, the original consent order requested me to move back to my NJ house, and let Yinghua Guo to move into my apartment in New York. Yinghua Guo should be responsible for the rent of the New
York apartment. Ms. Laurie L. Newmark added one more item which stated that I should be responsible for both NJ house and the New York apartment. Laurie L. Newmark also asked me to give more cash to Ms. Yinghua Guo.
After I reviewed the new version of the consent order, I immediately fired Laurie L. Newmark.

It was strange that right after I met Laurie, Sharon Hom, the Executive Director of Human Rights in China, and a servant/subordinate of Robert Bernstein, called me and told me that they already knew I hired Ms. Laurie L. Newmark as my new attorney. Ms. Sharon Hom also threatened me that I had to cooperate with them, because whoever I retained as my attorney would be the member of the Human Rights First, which was founded by Mr. Scott Greathead, and would definitely listen to them. She also told me that Tom Bernstein, the son of Mr. Robert Bernstein, was also an executive officer of the Human Rights First. All those people had power to impact the attorneys, especially Jewish attorneys. Ms. Sharon Hom told me that I couldn't win any case in New York or New Jersey, because I was fighting against the Human Rights First!
6. Natalee Picillo
Picillo & Picillo PC
21 E High St, Somerville, NJ 08876
(908) 252-7001

In July, 2010, I found Ms.Picillo through Morgan Stanley's legal service program for employees. I asked her to representing me to file divorce paper. She prepared the divorce complaint file. However, she told me that the Judge asked her to wait for a few days to submit the divorce file and let the wife file divorce complaint first. She told me that it would make no difference to be plaintiff or to be defendant. She waited for about few weeks and let Yinghua Guo filed the divorce complaint first. Obviously, she was cooperating with Judge and the Elisa Guo's attorney to had my complaints delayed and made me a defendant. I paid her $75,000. She worked as my Attorney for about one year. Ms. Picillo submitted the Interrogatory questions to Plaintiff Elisa Guo, and promised me that Elisa Guo had to response to these questions within 60 days, at least to provide Elisa Guo's bank account statements. However, Ms. Picillo hadn't got anything from the Plaintiff in one year, and she couldn't move the divorce case forward for a single step in one year! Instead, she pushed me hard to provide all my bank statements and all my answers to the Interrogatory Questions provided by plaintiff's attorney. I told Ms. Picillo that it would be better that let plaintiff provide all the requested documents first and then we provide ours. However, Ms. Picillo threatened me that I would be arrested if I couldn't provide all the requested documents within two weeks. Ms. Picillo forced me to provide all the requested documents with in 1 week. But Ms. Picillo hadn't got any requested documents from the Plaintiff in one year. Obviously, Ms. Picillo had serving on the benefits of Elisa Guo, not me, although she was representing me and paid by me.
I asked the BAR of America investigate Ms. Picillo's capability and ethics as an Attorney. I hope the BAR of America could help me get partial refunds from Ms. Picillo.
7. Mark P. Getzoni
10015 Queens Blvd Ste 203Forest Hills, NY 11375
Mark Getzoni,
In November 2010, I retained Mr. Mark Getzoni to represent me for a case at New York Criminal court.
Mr. Mark Getzoni did good job for this case. He showed to the court that the prosecutor used some perjury or faked evidences to support the complaint. For example, the prosecutor provided evidence to the court to show that I had criminal records. However, Mr. Getzoni showed that the criminal record was someone named Daniel, not me. The prosecutor also showed evidences that I violated protection order by sending email to Elisa Guo. Mr. Getzoni proved that the email sent to Elisa Guo was actually sent from China, while I had been strictly forbidden to go back China since 1996. That email was definitely sent by the Chinese security agency using my email account as they used to do. It was definitely not sent by me. The case eventually dismissed in May 2011.
I asked Mr. Getzoni to provide me the case complaints and the related faked evidences, including the Email the prosecutor used to sue me. Mr. Getzoni promised to give me all of these documents. However, Mr. Getzoni refused to provide those documents and said the court order restrained him to provide those documents.
I hope the BAR of America could investigate the ethics of Mr. Getzoni and let him to provide me the complaints and relevant documents.
8. Mr. Carl A. Taylor III
31 East High Street, Second Floor. Somerville, NJ 08876
Telephone: 908-864-4604
Fax: 908-450-1115
Email: info@carltaylorlaw.com
In December 2011, Mr. Carl Taylor was assigned to me as a temporary Guardian ad Litem by Hon. Judge Thomas Miller. I refused this appointment. Mr. Carl Taylor spoke to me about 10 minutes. He told me that he would write a report to Hon. Judge Thomas Miller. I asked him to provide me the report. He refused to give me the report. He charged me at $225 hourly rate. The court has never provide me the report what Mr. Carl Taylor provided to the court. Mr. Carl Taylor claimed he served for me and charged me, but he had never done anything good for me, and he even refused to provide me his reports.
Also, Mr. Carl Taylor was an ex-staff of the court. I believe that Hon. Judge Miller was helping his ex-staff to make money by forcing me to have Mr. Carl Taylor as my attorney.
I hope the BAR of America could investigate Mr. Carl Taylor's ethics and capability as an attorney, and have him refund me whatever he charged me.

9. Ms. Sharon Hom
HRIC New York Office 450 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1301
New York, NY 10123 USA
Tel: +1 212-239-4495
Fax: +1 212-239-2561
Ms.Sharon Hom is an attorney licensed in New York State. Ms. Sharon Hom cheated me to help me to retain attorneys. However, Ms. Hom asked the Attorneys to help the opponent's benefits, not my benefits. Ms. Sharon Hom also tried to approach some of my attorneys, including Laurrie, to ask them to set me up and to serve for the opponent's benefits, not my benefits..
Ms. Sharon Hom also threatened me that I had to cooperate with them, because whoever I retained as my attorney would be the member of the Human Rights First, which was founded by Mr. Scott Greathead, and would definitely listen to them. She also told me that Tom Bernstein, the son of Mr. Robert Bernstein, was also an executive officer of the Human Rights First. All those people had power to impact the most of the attorneys in New York as well as in New Jersey, especially Jewish attorneys. Ms. Sharon Hom threatened me that I couldn't win any case in New York or New Jersey, because I was fighting against the Human Rights First!
10. Mr. Scott Greathead
450 Lexington Avenue, 38th Floor
New York, New York 10017-3913
Phone: 212-551-2615
Mr. Scott Greathead cheated me to help me to retain attorneys. However, Mr. Scott Greathead asked the Attorneys to help the opponent's benefits, not my benefits. Along with Ms. Sharon Hom, Mr. Scott Greathead also tried to approach some of my attorneys, including Laurrie, to ask them to set me up and to serve for the opponent's benefits, not my benefits.
11. Dr. Donald J. Franklin
250 State Highway 28, Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Flemington Office: 9 Main Street, Flemington, NJ 08822
In April 2012, Hon. Judge Thomas Miller forced me to visit Dr. Donald J. Franklin. Dr. Donald J. Franklin checked me and told me he would send me his final report to me. However, he hadn't provided me any of his report to me. Instead, Dr. Donald J. Franklin sent his report to Hon. Judge Thomas Miller, and Hon. Judge Thomas Miller claimed that I have mental problems and assigned me a Guardian ad Litem based on Dr. Donald J. Franklin's suggestions. Evidences showed that Hon. Judge Thomas Miller tried to help Chinese Military officer Elisa Guo to rob me and set me up. To have Dr. Donald J. Franklin diagnose me as mentally disability person was one of the traps designed by Hon. Judge Thomas Miller.
Dr. Donald J. Franklin didn't do his job professionally and ethically. He did check me for Judge Thomas Miller and created the report Artificially so that to have a report as what Judge Thomas Miller expected. His report made me a lot of troubles and helped the Chinese Military officer Elisa Guo to rob me completely.
I am wondering if the BAR of America could investigate Dr. Donald J. Franklin's capability and ethics. If not, hope you could let me know which organization is the right place to complain a doctor.
The above ten attorneys and one doctor are obviously tried to help Elisa Guo to set me up and destroy me. Elisa Guo herself already confessed at the court that she was graduated from a Chinese Military school and thus a Chinese military officer. She was sent by the Chinese Military agency to enter the USA to do military espionage. I happened to find her military background and some of her espionage activities. That is why Elisa Guo and the Chinese Military agency has tried all of methods to destroy me and to make me quiet. Ms. Elisa Guo applied honey traps to bribe Mr. Bernstein to serve for her and the Chinese Military agency. Most of the above mentioned Attorneys are either aiders/servants/friends of Mr. Bernstein, or approached/bribed by Bernstein's assistants. They are bribed to help the Chinese Military agency to destroy me or kill me through the legal system of the United States.
My life is in danger. I asked the BAR of America to investigate all the above mentioned attorneys. Hope you can help me to get out the traps designed by Judge Miller and the Chinese Government.
Some relevant evidences can be found at the following link:

An Open Letter to President Obama: China initiated Unrestricted War Against the USA!

Gang Liu
Here is the mail I sent to Mr. Michael Detommaso to fire him as my Guardian ad Litem, and ask him to resign, as he refused to contact with me. However, he refused to resign.
Mr. DeTommaso,
You are no longer my Guardian! Please stop provide any of your service to me and stop sending me your invoice!
As you refused to answer my phone and claimed would have no further contact with me, you can't serve me as a Guardian ad Litem. I told you clearly that you need let Judge Miller know that and let him assign me a new Guardian. I fired you, if I have the right to do that! You need to resign and stop provide your guardian service to me immediately, as I have never asked you to be my Guardian, and I will not need any of your service.
However, you refused to resign. You told Judge Miller that you were confident to continue to be my Guardian!
You have viewed my bank accounts. You know I have no money. You know that I have had no income for the last 19 months. And you know that Judge Miller was going to send me into prison, and he would eventually destroy me completely. Anyway, you completely understand that I have no money to pay for your service, and I told you I didn't want your service.
Why do you still want to be my Guardian? Do you want to make money for doing that?
If you do want to make money, please let me know who is going to pay you? Elisa Guo? The Chinese Communist? Judge Miller? or someone else?
If you don't want to make money by providing Guardian service to me, please let me know what is your purpose or objective. Do you just want to help Elisa Guo and Judge Miller to set me up and destroy me completely? Why?
Now, I told you again: you are fired, if I have the right to fire you! You are no longer my Guardian! You can't provide any Guardian service without my approval!
Now, I told you again: Please resign! Stop any of your service to me! Ok?
You sent me email and complained that I accused you a “liar.” The fact is that I called you many times, but you didn't want to talk to me. Your assistant told me that you are in the office with your clients. Your promised me that you would call me back within 30 minutes. Your assistant promised me at lease 5 times like that. However, you had never called me back. So, I made my letter public on about January 22, 2013.
On January 23rd, you sent me email and explained to me that you couldn't call me back nor sent me email, because you "have been in Court for the past several weeks"! What an excuse! Do you really believe that I had mental problems or I was just a Child who needs a Guardian like you? So that you can cheat me or lie to me like that? Your assistant told me you are in the office with your clients whenever I called you. But you told me you were in court for several weeks! Either you or your assistant must be a liar! I believe it was you who lied to me. Because you couldn't have been in Court day and night for several weeks! No one would believe on that, except a Baby or a man with mental problems!
That is why I told your assistant in the phone that "One of must be a liar!" Please go ahead to sue me. However, please stop Charging me for Guardian service when you started to sue me.
I send this email to BAR as a complaint against you. I hope the BAR association could investigate whether your service to me was legal or not. I have never asked you to be my Guardian. You kept sending me invoices for the services that I haven't asked for. Also, you haven't done anything good for me. You even failed to have Elisa Guo to submit her bank statements in the past 7 months. You promised me to get them all within 1 month. You just played as an messenger for Judge Miller.
Please send your invoice to Judge Miller, or to the Chinese Communist. I believe that they would pay you back for what you have done to me! I guarantee you that the Chinese Communist would be happy to pay you several million dollars for what you have done to me!
Finally, please let me know that how much are you going to charge me for reading and handling this email?
Please check the following link for relevent files and facts:
Your Sincerely,
Gang Liu
From: Gang Liu <gang.liu.1989@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: message left at my office
To: mdetommaso@detommasolawgroup.com
Mr. DeTommaso,
I called you several times. I told you I was going to write an open letter to President Obama. I asked for your advice about it. However, you had never responded to me. So, I made my letter public.
I believe that Judge Miller helped Elisa Guo set me up, robbed my house. I am going to provide more evidence for that. I believe that you might not know all of that. So, I wanted to speak to you first, and don't want to hurt you.
I know you are always sincere, honest. You are the one I could trust. However, you know what happened to me, and you know what Hon. Miller was going to do to me. You may also know Carl's role and Dr. Franklin's role. Both of them sent me invoices. Both of them wrote reports to Judge Miller. However, they charged me, and they claimed they would work for my benefit. However, they didn't tell me or provide their reports to me. They just work for Judge Miller. However, they forced me to pay their work.
You might not work that way. However, I haven't seen anything you have done good for me. But, I have no rights to fire you.
You might not know the whole story. I believe you are one of the witness of my story. Hope you will be honest, sincere, to tel the true story.
That is fine. Per your request, I will not contact with you any more. Please let Judge Miller know that. Hope Judge Miller would assign me another Guardian. I would like to see Judge Miller play out of his cards.
Gang Liu
On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 4:31 PM, mdetommaso@detommasolawgroup.com wrote:
Mr. Liu:
I received your telephone message today accusing me of being a “liar.” As you are aware, such an allegation is completely without merit. I have at all times been, honest, sincere and attentive to your case.
Please be advised, as a result of your accusation, I will not have any further communication with you via telephone. There must be a written record of all of our communication. Accordingly, please refrain from calling my office and simply write to me via email if you have anything you need to discuss.
I should receive the Court Order next week from Judge Miller regarding the paternity test as you requested. I will immediately forward it to you via email.
Very truly yours,

Michael J. DeTommaso, Esq.
DeTommaso Law Group, LLC
73 Grove Street
Somerville, NJ 08876

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