Saturday, July 21, 2012




1. 赵岩声称有中共高层批示要“严密监控”纽约周末茶叙,“把与纽约茶叙激辩中国问题的海外敌对势力的斗争,上升到保卫中共18大政治安全的高度--------。于是中国大陆从中央到地方各地相继成立了针对纽约茶叙激辩中国问题栏目的监控斗争工作小组。大陆的各级宣传部门、新闻办、安全、公安、总参等所属机构专门指派工作人员,期期进行跟踪,并在事后向不同级别领导汇报、请示研究打击对策---------。”


2. 赵岩在其文章中还造谣说:刘刚虽然在英文的博客空间,因诽谤多位在美国德高望重的著名的人权活动家(伯恩斯坦等)已经早在一年前就被停止进入英文博客网站




3. 赵岩一再造谣说我打老婆,赵岩在这篇文章中再次造谣说:“善打老婆的刘刚气愤不过(美国警察局早有备案),哪里有女子打男人之理?天下只能是男人打老婆才是人间正理呀?”




















附录2. 赵岩关于郭迎华虐待刘刚的证言(由赵岩的朋友曹先生翻译)


On or about April 10, 2010, at the invitation of Gang Liu, I paid a visit his home in New Jersey.

By the time I arrived at his home, it was about 10pm. Right after he got home, Gang Liu started doing homework. By midnight, he went back to his bedroom upstairs.

The next morning, Gang Liu told me that he wished me to stay in his home one more day, so that he and I could talk more. In the evening, at about 9pm, when Gang Liu got home, he found that I was holding his baby in my arms and reading something on the computer in the home office. He came up and said hello to me. Then, his wife Yinghua Guo followed him to the home office and yelled to Gang Liu, “Why didn’t call Mom when you stepped in, are you a human being at all?”

I had no idea what happened, and was worried that Yinghua Guo’s yelling might shock their child Jiao Jiao, so I said to her: “if you have anything you can talk, but don’t do that to shock the child”. Then I said to Gang Liu that he should go to the kitchen to prepare dinner for himself. However, Yinghua Guo followed him to the kitchen and quarreled with him, and would not let Gang Liu have dinner; she kept asking, “are you a human being at all?” Gang Liu had no choice but to stop having dinner. During this period, Yinghua Guo also said that Gang Liu would not give a cent to pay for the child’s expenses, and she paid for all the family expenses, etc. Then I asked Gang Liu about this, and I realized that the family’s expenses were all paid from Gang Liu’s bank account, and furthermore, Yinghua Guo transferred more than $40, 000 from their joint account to her personal account. Then I started to know that Yinghua Guo’s words are not to be trusted.

I visited Gang Liu’s home many times. Every time I arrived in his home, I saw that most of the time Gang Liu was doing household work, and didn’t have much time to talk to anyone else. I never saw Yinghua Guo doing household work. Her behavior reminded me of prison police in China’s state security prisons, and she kept yelling orders to Gang Liu asking him to sweep the floor, washing dishes, cleaning the garbage, working on this and that. Gang Liu was just like a slave in a family and is bullied by Yinghua Guo. Even when I was in his home, I had to help Gang Liu sweeping the floor and washing dishes, so that Yinghua Guo would yell less at Gang Liu. Whenever Yinghua Guo yelled at Gang Liu, I saw Gang Liu never said anything, only kept doing household work.

On May 31, my girlfriend Zhi Liu was invited to visit Gang Liu’s home. The second day, at the repeated invitation of Yinghua Guo and her mother Zhongyu Liu, Zhi Liu stayed two more days in her house. On the evening of June 2, Zhi Liu suddenly called me over the phone and her voice was shivering. I figured someone must have bullied her. Later, I realized that Zhi Liu could not tolerate Yinghua Guo’s endless bullying and yelling at Gang Liu, and insisted that she came back home. Then, I arranged my friend Gangqing Zheng to pick her up.

Later, Zhi Liu told me that on June 2, at about 5pm, Yinghua Guo drove Zhi Liu, Zhongyu Liu (Yinghua Guo’s mother), and the child Jiao Jiao to an office building, and she knew later that it was a court house. While Yinghua Guo saw Gang Liu was there, she started yelling at him, and then complaining to Zhi Liu about Gang Liu. Many people in there heard Yinghua Guo’s yelling. At about 6pm, Zhi Liu was sitting together with Zhongyu Liu and Yinghua Guo on a long chair outside the building. Then Gang Liu, after changing diapers for the baby, also came up to the chair. Yinghua Guo started cursing Gang Liu. Zhi Liu saw that Gang Liu was just smiling while holding the baby. Then Zhi Liu heard Yinghua Guo saying loudly, while pointing to Gang Liu, “you see, he is smiling, he is just a rogue”. She kept saying that a number of times. Gang Liu was just standing there smiling, and then Yinghua Guo stood up and stormed to the police precinct. Zhi Liu and Zhongyu Guo immediately caught up with Yinghua Guo and held her tightly between the doors to asked her not to get inside the police precinct, fearing that she would be arrested by the police. At that time there were a lot of people watching what was happening. Yinghua Guo eventually got rid of their holding and rushed to the police precinct. From the beginning to the end, Gang Liu was holding the baby and kept standing away from Yinghua Guo.

After Yinghua Guo got inside the police precinct, Zhi Liu saw several police coming out from the office, and one of them talked to Yinghua Guo and took notes.

About half an hour later, Yinghua Guo stepped out of the police precinct and said loudly, “I will not go to the court; let him go to see the judge himself”. Then she asked Zhi Liu to go back home with her.

After Zhi Liu came back home, she told me about Yinghua Guo’s complaints and yelling at Gang Liu. I asked Zhi Liu, “Do you believe in her words?”

Zhi Liu said, “according to what I saw of their family, Gang Liu is not the kind of person Yinghua Guo declared him to be. Yinghua Guo was overreacting.”


Yan Zhao

In the evening of June 16, 2010

New York

附录3. 赵岩在博讯发表的造谣诽谤文章

(博讯北京时间2012年7月21日 首发 - 支持此文作者/记者)

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